13. Make you feel my love

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Juvia just came back to their (Gray) room from the guild where she passed on the paper works to Mira. She was so tired that day. She didn’t have classes but she’s been all night finishing paper works from the company she works and with her case studies and research. She looked at the time and its 5:30 in the afternoon. Gray is still on his class until 7pm. Juvia sighed to the fact that she will not see her Gray-sama until 7pm. But she didn’t feel sad because she knows her Gray-sama loves her and would come back to her. Then, she smiled as she reminisced the moments they have in their room, how they met in the university, their small talks and the laughs they had. And she knows her Gray-sama would come back soon. So to pass time, she decided to cook something. Well, that wasn’t new to her since she always cooks for Gray. It’s not that Gray doesn’t help in cooking and doing chores, actually Juvia always insist to cook. She wants to cook for her Gray-sama, she wants to do chores for her Gray-sama like a lovable and wonderful housewife.

She went to the kitchen and prepared the entire ingredient she needed for her dish. She chopped vegetables and meats. Then, she cooked it. She looked at the clock and its already 6:30pm, 30 minutes more and her Gray-sama will come home.

“Juvia is excited to see her Gray-sama.” She said as she placed the meats in the oven. She pictured of Gray happily eating the meal she had cook for him. She set the timer for 30 minutes. “That will do. Just in time when Gray-sama comes home” she giggled.

While waiting for Gray and the meal to cook, Juvia went over to the piano in the living room. She decided to play some songs while waiting for the dinner to be cooked and for Gray to come home. She composes herself and thinks of a song that she would play. Then, she starts with a soft melody. She started to remember the keys of the soundtrack that she had watched. It was a Korean song so she couldn’t sing the lyrics. She just hums as she plays the piano.


Gray walked home with a tired look on his face. He had been in class since 7am up to 7pm. His entire subjects were draining his head. He had complains here and there about this engineering thing but he would have it any other way. And fortunately, no gross sex stories from Loke today because they had too much to do that day. Gray is thankful for that.

As he reached the room, he heard a familiar tune. He smiled as he heard that. He knew it was Juvia. She was playing it again, he thought. And that made Gray relaxed and he felt energized hearing the keys of Juvia’s piano. He really loves this woman. He made her feel relaxed and worry-free. Then, he entered the room. He found Juvia still playing the song even though he had entered their home. But he didn’t mind. He actually likes the view of his girlfriend playing the piano.

“Gray-sama.” She said as she felt Gray’s embraced from behind.

“Keep playing.” He said to her ear that made Juvia shivered. But Juvia keep playing the piano. She knows that Gray loves hearing her play the piano.

“That’s the soundtrack from a Korean drama we watched last month, right?” He asked as he sat beside Juvia.

“Yes, Gray-sama, Love rain.” She smiled and finished the final key. “Juvia made dinner for Gray-sama but it still in the oven. It seems Gray-sama is early.”

“Yeah, I finished the activity so I can go home to you.” Gray tightly hugged Juvia again. “So how was your day?”

“Today, Juvia finished her paper works and does all the research and case study and I passed the paper works to Mira.” Gray nodded as he remembered that Juvia stayed all night to finish all her work.

“Are you tired?” He asked.

“Yes, but since Gray-sama hugged Juvia she regained all her energy back” Then she kissed Gray on the lips.

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