3. Apologize

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Gray’s POV

“I…Juvia can’t stop her tears, Gray-sama” She said. I felt guilty from the moment I left her alone AGAIN. I’m so stupid. I shouldn’t have leave her here. ‘Why did I leave her in the first place? What was my reason for leaving such a beautiful woman who adores me and…loves me…

Shit, just like Loke said. I’m an idiot!

I remember now…

1 year ago…

“Gray-sama,” Juvia smiled. “Do you have plans tonight? Are you staying up all night again for the lectures?” Her sweet voice echoed through my ears.

“I am going to classes today. After that…well, nothing much. Why ask?” I looked at her as she looked down on the floor.

‘What is she up to?’ I asked myself.

“I…Ju-..I…Juvia wants to ask Gray-sama if he would like to…” I am getting impatient now so I continued and guessed what she wanted to ask.

“Go have dinner with you? Is that what you are going to ask, Juvia?”

Juvia nodded. She frowned and looked down at the floor. ‘Shit! I am really bad at this. I shouldn’t interrupt her inviting me to dinner.’

“Okay Juvia,” I sighed. She was nearly in tears now. I don’t want her to cry. “Can you ask me again?”

Juvia paused for a moment. She hesitated then looked up and asked. “Will you go out with me tonight, Gray-sama?” I was shocked.

‘Will YOU go out with ME tonight?’ Did I really hear that? She used first person for the first time. I smiled at her and her cheeks went red.

“Okay, Juvia. Gray will go out with Juvia tonight.” I said and she laughed at me.

“It was really weird when Gray-sama tries using the third person” Her nerves went down, finally. She might faint if I didn’t do anything to make her calm and then I smiled to her.

“I tried but I guess third person will only suits you. My classes will end at 3 o’clock. Do you have classes toady?”

“Juvia doesn’t have classes today, Gray-sama. Juvia will just wait you here.” She was willing to wait that long? She really wants to go out with me.

“Okay fine then. I’ll go to class now. Don’t get too tired or else-”

“Juvia knows that…take care, Gray-sama.” Smiling again at me.

‘How many times she had done that to me?’ that smile on her face that makes me warm inside and her innocent looking face and just how happy she was calling me, ‘Gray-sama’. Only Juvia could do that to me.

As I walked through my classroom, I noticed Loke looks horrible. It’s like he was chased by the fastest mammal in the animal kingdom.

“Oi Loke, what’s wrong with you?” I asked. I was nearly laughing when I looked at his horrible face.

Loke was my block mate and I was in the same class with him every subject, coincidently. Loke is a friend but I usually get irritated with him. He talks a lot. He annoys me. He always brags me about how the girls would fall in love with him. He even tells me how he likes Lucy, the blonde girl from the tourism department. She is pretty but I think Juvia is prettier. Of course, I know Juvia well. And there was this one day, when Loke suddenly talks about his gross sex life. Thinking about it makes me want to puke.

“I was chased…” He was serious this time. Then suddenly I heard voices. Screaming girls. Loke look pale when he heard that sound.

“Oi Gray, come on now.” What is wrong with him? The other day she would not refuse to any girls in the campus now what? He is running away? So stupid!

Out of Fairy Tail (GrUvia Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt