9. In Sickness and In Health

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It was the month of June. Gray was beside Juvia’s bed. Juvia is lying in the bed. She was having a hard time to breathe and her face is red because of the fever. She was having an asthma attack and it has been three days she was in her bed.

“Gray-sama,” She looked at her boyfriend and gasped for air.

“I’m here Juvia. Don’t talk just rest well.” Gray told her with worried eyes. Gray has seen Juvia in that condition before since they were roommates and he always looked after her. He already knew of Juvia’s asthma attack. That is why he wouldn’t let Juvia pushed herself too much and got too tired because he knows that Juvia will get sick. He also would not want Juvia to cry too much. She had a fragile body and her body must be take care well. But then even if Juvia doesn’t force herself too much, the weather is a great factor that affects Juvia’s sickness. It was rainy day.

“Here, Juvia it is time to drink your medicine.” Gray said and he helped Juvia gave her the medicine. Juvia does not have the strength to argue that she didn’t like the taste of her medicine. Instead, she just followed Gray and drank her medicine.

“Juvia is sorry, Gray-sama.” She said with tears. “Gray-sama is always taking care of Juvia. Juvia is so weak. Maybe Gray-sama shoud just leave Juvia.”

“Hey, don’t say that. I would never leave you.” Gray told her girlfriend and he wiped her tears.

“But Gray-sama, Juvia is being a burden to Gray-sama.” she cried.

“Don’t say that. You are not a burden to me. I love you and I will take care of you whatever it takes.” He said and hugged Juvia.

“Gray-sama is so kind.”

“Stop crying, Juvia. You always take care of me, too.” He told “You always cook a dinner for me. You always had  presents for me. When I was not here in the dorm you take care of my room. You always remember me and that is how you take care of me, Juvia.” He said and Juvia’s face lightened up and looked at her boyfriend’s eyes. “And, don’t you remember when I also got sick?” He asked

“Juvia would not forget that. Our freshmen year and first semester had just started” She smiled as she remembered.

It was the month of July, both Juvia and Gray were first year students and having adjustments with their school. They were many differences in class hours and class schedules than in their high school days. They were 5 hours in one subject that were attended once a week and almost had quizzes every meeting. Juvia hated the most is their physical education subjects that have to be attended in the morning in 3 hours. She isn’t really athletic so she hated something had to do with running. Also, the main reason is her asthma condition. Well, Gray hated the most were laboratory and lectures in their chemistry class. He hated the professor that will made him sleep in class. So, Juvia and Gray were both busy with their owm studies.

It was a rainy day when that happened. Juvia was in their dorm and was finishing her home works. She heard the door slammed as Gray entered soaking in wet clothes.

“Gray-sama, what happened?” Juvia was shocked and she hurriedly ran and got a towel to give it to Gray. At that time, they were just friends but Juvia likes Gray.

“Damn that Loke.” He cursed as he got the towel that was offered to him by Juvia. “Thanks.”

“Would you like some hot tea Gray-sama? Juvia would prepare some for you.” Juvia offered.

“I’m fine, Juvia. Thank you. I will just dry myself off.”


When Gray went to his room, Juvia went back to the table to finish her homework. One hour had passed and Juvia had finished her homework. She then realized that Gray-sama was not getting out of his room.

‘Maybe he was asleep’. She thought. Juvia was worried and knocked on Gray’s room.

“Is Gray-sama alright? Juvia is thinking of making Gray-sama a hot soup. Would Gray-sama want that?” She asked as she was on Gray’s door checking if he was still awake.

“S—s-ure” His voice was shivering when she heard that.

Juvia was clueless with the situation. She was confused but she went to the kitchen and cooked a vegetable soup for Gray. As she finished cooking, she thought that she will just go to Gray’s room and bring him the soup she had made. She called for Gray again. And then again, she heard his shivering voice.

“Can Juvia come in to your room, Gray-sama? Gray-sama doesn’t seem well to Juvia.” She finally noticed.

“Okay.” He answered.

Juvia entered Gray’s room and she saw Gray shivering in cold and was covered in his blanket all over his body. Juvia panicked and she put the tray on the table in Gray’s room and went over to him.

“Gray-sama is sick.” She panicked and her hands were shaking as she held Gray’s forehead.

“I’m alright, Juvia. Don’t worry about me.” He said with the shivering voice then followed by a terrible cough.

“Gray-sama isn’t alright. Just wait there Gray-sama.” She said and she ran to get some medicine and a warm towel. She hurriedly wiped the towel onto Gray’s face and then in his forehead.

“Juvia is not good at this.” She told herself as she panicked.

Then Gray hold Juvia’s hands. “You are doing it right Juvia.” He said and he was smiling. “Now can I taste the soup you made for me?”

“Juvia will go get some. Juvia thinks that the soup she brought Gray-sama was now cold.” She calmed down and went over to the kitchen and get some soup. She went back to Gray’s room and feed him the soup. Gray is sick and could not really feed himself. As he had finished eating, Juvia gave the medicine to him and he drinks it. The scene was not likely seen by just common friends, they were most likely a couple and that is what Juvia had in her mind.

“Gray-sama should rest well.” She said as she gets the towel and put it into Gray’s forehead.

“Thank you, Juvia.” he said. “Damn that Loke. We got soak in the rain right after that community service that was probably was his fault.”

Juvia laughed. “What are you laughing about?” Gray pouted more like irritated.

“Juvia was just happy.” She giggled. “Sleep now, Gray-sama. Juvia will be here to watch over you.” She smiled.

Gray said nothing and closed his eyes as he quickly fell asleep. Juvia watched over Gray all night with the sound of the heavy rain outside their dorm.

“Juvia remembers it well.” She said as she laughed in her bed. “Juvia was glad that she helped Gray-sama.”

Gray blushed and smiled at her girlfriend. “See, you also take care of me.” He kissed Juvia’s forehead. “Now, how do you feel?”

“Juvia is much better now. Juvia was with Gray-sama after all.” She hugged Gray and he responded back.

“You better sleep now, my princess.” He helped Juvia laid on her bed. “I will be here when you wake up” then He slid beside Juvia.

“Now, I am definitely will be here when you wake up.” Gray gave Juvia a kiss in the forehead “I love you, in sickness and in health, Juvia”

“Juvia loves Gray-sama, too” she smiled and closed her eyes as she held Gray’s hands to feel that he was beside her watching over her. And the rainy day went over that smoothly…

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