5. Tears

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Juvia’s POV

Juvia ate the breakfast that Gray-sama made her this morning. Juvia was sick yesterday and it was a bad time that Gray-sama was coming home. Juvia remembered what she had said to Gray-sama.

“Gray-sama,” Juvia can’t stop her tears. “Juvia is sorry Gray-sama” Juvia cried and cried in her room feeling guilty of what she said to her beloved Gray-sama.

“Is there something wrong between us?” Gray-sama asked again.

 “There are no us Gray…was there even us?” Juvia said it in a very cold tone. Juvia is being mean to Gray-sama. Juvia remembered how she suffered and got hospitalized last month. And then Gray-sama asked again.

“What do you mean? You called me Gray today what is wrong Juvia?” Gray-sama yelled at him. Juvia was about to cry. Juvia said to herself that she will no longer call him Gray-sama. Juvia wants to forget. Juvia’s head is aching right now. The medicine Juvia drink didn’t last long. Juvia’s temperature will rise up soon. Gray-sama must not know Juvia’s sick.

“Gray didn’t love Juvia like the way I do, right?” Juvia just said that mean words. Juvia is worst telling that to Gray-sama. Gray-sama will not forgive Juvia.  “See, you could not even answer” That was the last thing I said to him before he walks out and said.

“I’m sorry, Juvia.” Juvia heard his voice. He was really hurt. Juvia knows that. Juvia heard once that painful voice. Does Gray-sama love me? Juvia is confused right now. And after that Juvia just cried and then Gray-sama went to the kitchen again to see me. Juvia just cried and she felt a hugged and she saw Gray-sama hugging her. Juvia just cried. Juvia called her Gray-sama again and she fainted.

Juvia heard a knock on her room.

“I’m back. Are you up?” Gray-sama asked in a lonely tone.

Juvia opened the door to Gray-sama. Juvia wanted to see Gray-sama. She wanted to see if Gray-sama was really back in their room.

“Hey, do you feel better now?” Gray-sama said in a worried tone. It was like heaven. Suddenly, Juvia forgot all her pain. Juvia nodded to him and looked down at the floor.

“Look at me, Juvia.”

“Gray-sama,” Juvia couldn’t say a word. Juvia felt it was like a dream. A wonderful dream that Juvia wanted to became real.

“Can we talk? There are lot things I want to tell you. I could not even know how to start.” Juvia was surprise with what she heard. Gray-sama has lots to tell me…

“Like what, Gray-sama?” Juvia does not know what to say. Juvia looks up to see Gray-sama’s face. Juvia wishes that it isn’t a dream. If this is a dream Juvia hopes she doesn’t woke up. And then, Juvia saw Gray-sama’s face. There was water in his cheeks. Gray-sama is crying. Why Gray-sama? What is wrong?

“Juvia, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have left. I LOVE YOU, JUVIA” Gray-sama yelled as his tears were still on his cheeks. Juvia could not move from where she was standing. Juvia is about to cry. Gray-sama loves Juvia.

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