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Kang Nari

Racing was never my thing. It was just something to make me look cool. Something to make me look like a rebellious, rich daughter.

Who would actually go out there and risk their lives by driving in cars that can't even function properly?

But here I was, at the starting and finishing line. This place was a real racing area.

"You don't know what you're getting into." my friends would say.

I laughed and shook my head. Trust me, I know what I'm getting into and I don't know why I am. There were so many other things that I could've gotten into. Like clubs, drinking, playing around.

But why racing?

I don't know.

Here I go. I'm racing against the best of the best. I don't know his name, but he's cute.

He's not looking at me so he's focused. He's determined to win.

He's sweating. He's nervous.

The girl walks out and I shift into gear. This will be my last race if I win. If not, I will race against him again until I win.

And I will do anything to win, even if it includes cheating.

I press on the gas and start driving. I shift quickly, gaining at least five meters in front of the boy. I smirk and continue driving.

I look back at the boy to see where he was and I couldn't see him. He wasn't behind me so I press on the gas even harder.

There was a honk beside me and I looked to my left, seeing him smirking at me.

He drives past me and swerves into my lane. I grunt and steer to the side, gaining speed and pulling in front of him again. I swear I could hear him curse. I shifted gears again and accelerated.

It was night time so I couldn't see very clearly. My eyes aren't good in the dark. But I continue driving straight and follow the road. There is 100 more meters and I know I need to win so I press on the gas, feeling the surge of the acceleration. I'm hoping that the boy is still behind me and not beside. I continue driving until I see the finish line.

It's close.

I'm almost there.

I'm there.

But he passes me.

I yell out in frustration and stop the car abruptly. I get out of the car and slam the car door hard. I walk up to his car and see him smirking. I knock on his window and he looks at me.

"Get out." I gesture.

He smiles and opens the car door.

"What is she doing?" people whisper.

He stands in front of me, leaning against his car. He puts his hands in his jean pockets and gives me an amused look.

Boy Meets ___ #2 || Jung HoseokHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin