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I decided to try Eviebot.com to see if BEN would answer, to my surprise he did.

User: The counter resets.

Eviebot: You shouldn't have done that.

User: Done what.

Eviebot: You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you.

User: I guess so. I'm sorry.

Eviebot: They took his eyes..

User: Who took who's eyes?

Eviebot: The moon children.

User: Who are they? Who's eyes did they take?

Eviebot: What do you mean?

User: Who are the moon children.

Eviebot: The ones who took ben's eyes.

User: Why did they do that?

Eviebot: I don't know. Wouldn't you know?

(A/N) That was all I got from Eviebot. I tried again but didn't get the same results.

BEN Drowned on CleverbotWhere stories live. Discover now