"Finally!" He said pulling you into a tight hug.

He kissed your cheek, before happily leaving the building.

Your cheeks were hot, with a light shade of pink.

(Magical time hop to the next night)

You put on your outfit and checked the time.


You went downstairs and right at 8:00 exactly the door bell rang.

You smiled and walked over to the door, opening it to see a smiling Grayson.

"Hey. You look beautiful." He said smiling. You blushed.

"Thanks." You said quietly.

"Oh, I uh, I got these for you." He handed you a bouquet of flowers.

You set them down on the counter, knowing someone would probably put them on water while you were gone.

You turned back to Grayson and walked out the door, closing it behind you.

He reached his hand out and intertwined your fingers with his.

You snatched your hand out. He looked at you.

"Baby steps, Grayson. Remember, I don't like you very much.." You joked smiling.

He chucked and opened the car door for you.

He walked around the other side and got in, driving away to the restaurant.

(Another magical time hop to where they're inside the restaurant)

"Hello, how many?" The woman asked us.

"Two." Grayson replied.

"Okay, come with me, I'll show you your seats."

"Can we have a seat in the back? By no people and if someone I know where to come in, they wouldn't see us?" You asked, as nicely as possible.

"Um, sure I guess." The woman said. She showed you at booth in the back. It was round so Grayson could sit next to you, giving him room to do whatever he wanted.

There was an old couple across the room, but they probably wouldn't pay much attention.

"Thank you." You said as you and Grayson sat down. The woman walked away leaving the two of you alone.

"You're so ashamed to be here with me, you don't even want a complete stranger to see us together?" Grayson asked scooting closer to you.

"Don't take it personal, Grayson. If someone from school seen us, they'd tell everyone. You know how people like to gossip. They'd make rumors and I don't want that happening." You said.

"Whatever. I like sitting in the back. Let's me do whatever I want without anyone judging. Not that I mind if people watch." He smirked, putting his hand on your thigh.

"Space bubble, please." You mumbled, taking his hand off of your leg.

He rolled his eyes and scanned through the menu.

The waitress came back, and took your orders.

Grayson snook his arm around your waist and pulled your body into his.

"Did you not hear what I said five minutes ago?" You asked moving away from him.

Grayson sighed. "You're no fun." He pouted.

The waitress soon brought your food out.

As you were quietly eating, you felt something hit your arm. You looked down to see a piece of cheese stuck to your arm.

You looked up at Grayson, who began laughing.

You took the piece of cheese off your arm and threw it at his face. It hit the side of his cheek and fell into his lap.

"Hey, watch the face. This is designer." He said.

You laughed.

(Last magical time hop to the beach)

After you and Grayson left the restaurant you decided to go for a walk on the beach.

You found an old swing set, so you both sat down, watching the sunset.

"It's pretty." You said quietly.

"So are you." Grayson replied. You blushed looking down.

Grayson got up and stood in front of you. You looked up at him. He put his hands on the chains of the swing, in which you were currently sitting on.

He bent over and pressed his lips to yours. Your lips moved in a small sync.

You heard a noise come from the swing set. All of a sudden, the swing broke causing you to fall on your butt, with Grayson on top of you.

After you both realized what happen, you both began laughing.

And, Grayson then pressed his soft lips to yours. He pulled away smiling.

"I'd like to say that was worth waiting three years for." He said.


I'm bad at ending oops

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