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"Appa! Stop hitting eomma!!" I quickly run downstairs and pulled eomma behind me. I really hate my dad,he won't stop drinking alcohol everday and he's drunk again. "You," he points at me, "don't be busybody!" He continued his words. Wihout a warning, I gave him a hard slap.

"What? How could I not be busybody when my parents are fighting again??! If your parents are fighting, are you just going to stand there and watch them beating each other 'till they die? Eomma is already having a hard time..she works everyday for our needs that she even forgets to care her own health! And now..you are just blaming her for no reason and continue hiting her?" I yelled. He didn't say anything,he keeps his head low and tears started to roll down from my cheeks.

Why would I have this kind of dad...my family were happy and peace before..since his parents and eomma's family passed away from a car crash..he had changed. He starts drinking alcohol everyday, he starts to abuse his own wife and children and sometimes..he keep on forgetting stuffs. I wish my dad is dead.

"Unnie..I'm s-scared.."Minyoung, my little sister tugged my sleeve. "Don't worry,I'm here,"I whisper. "Think carefully,Appa.."I gave him my one last glare and brought the two of them upstairs,leaving him alone.

Eomma began sobbing softly as her whole eyes were puffy and swollen from crying.Same goes to me,my eyes look like panda now as if I do not have enough sleep because they were fighting last night. "Shh..don't cry eomma..we are sad too.." I whispered as the tears continue to rolled down to my cheeks. "I-I can't believe your dad is such a horrible man! If I knew he was this kind of husband and father, I've probably rejected him when he asks me to propose to him!" She wailed and I rubbed her back, trying to comfort her.

"It wasn't your fault eomma..Back then,he was a kind hearted man...but who knows..he turned out into a drunkard that one day.."I got up from my bed and took out the money I saved since I was 10. (8 years ago). It was the allowance and the extras money I've put inside. "Here..take these money,eomma.."I put the money on her palm and closed her hand. "Keep this.." I whispered. She shook her head and force a smile. "Ani..I can't take my daughter money that she've saved for 8 years.." she pushed the money to me gently.

"Listen..use this money to pay all the bills and food for living..I don't want to see eomma and Minyoung to suffer anymore..each time I saw eomma working so hard that eomma didn't even have enough time to rest, I would cry and felt bad inside.." I gave the money back to her and wipe off my tears.

"Unnie Minhee is the best..and eomma...I will never forget both of you.."Minyoung hug two of us and rested her head on eomma's shoulder after few minutes. "She must've been very tired.." I chuckled softly. "Ne..let's bring her back to her room.."
Eomma smiled. "A-ani..he is still downstairs...
What if he saw you again..I don't want to see you both fighting again.." I mumbled. She stopped walking towards to the door and sighed.

"Maybe..you both can sleep here? I think my bed is enough for three of us..plus Minyoung is small and both of us aren't fat haha,"

"Sure..." she smiled and placed Minyoung on the center of the bed while me and eomma were going to sleep on her sides. "Hey..Minhee..I have something
to tell you.." her face grew serious but worry at the same time.

"What is it,eomma?"

"Miahnae...Minhee..I'm such a horrible parent...I-i hate myself so much!!"

"Don't say that, eomma. You are not a horrible parent, you are a best parent.."

"My salary..these days I'm not earning alot..nobody is coming to the stall..further more,our manager is giving us alot of work. So we will have alot of work to do but less salary. Our salary is now left $100.."

"WHAT??! $100 only?? How could that be...what's wrong with your manager! Did he just ate something wrong? You worked so hard and yet he cut your salary..he has cut $300...he's supposed to promote you!" My blood suddenly boiled up. Really..eomma work so hard and the manager cut $300 on her salary..the fuck is wrong with him....

"I think I can only pay Minyoung's school fees and the other needs..I don't even think we have enough food and needs for one month...plus I think I have to transferred her to public school now.." her eyes were full of the tears that she was trying to hold the whole time. "Don't worry,I'll work...I'll pay all the bills,fees and needs..." I hug her and she hug back,but she shook her head.

"It's not that easy,Minhee..I've decided to send you to somewhere...I do not want to see you suffer and trust me,you will have a better life there.." she patted my head and her tears start to rolled down again. "Huh?" I was confused and shocked at the same time. Is she going to abandon me? "Silly,I won't abandon you..." she chuckled as if she reads my mind.

"Then..what do you mean,eomma..I-i don't understand
.."My voice started to crack. "I'm doing this for your own good. I don't want you to suffer..I don't want you to experience the fight everyday...I don't want you to get abused by your drunk father..and I do not want this to happen to you..other kids in your school were having a parents that loved them..I don't want my daughter to get looked down..
e-each time when I saw you trying to protect eomma
and Minyoung from your father,you always choose to
get abused rather than eomma or Minyoung to get abused.. look at all your scars..bruises..it breaks
my heart a-alot..." she sobbed.

"Eomma...I know...but I don't want my eomma and sister to suffer too..."I held her hand. She gave me a faint smile and handed me a slip. "You're going to have a better life,child..Mom loves you.."
She kissed my forehead. I took the paper from her and it was a DNA results. It has my name labeled
"Lee Minhee" and a guy name labeled "JeonJungkook".
..on below,it says 99% related..

"E-eomma..I am a-adopted by you guys??" I asked curiously.

She shooked her head and smile. "No..from now on you'll be living with him..he will be your fake biological brother..."

"W-what..? Who's that guy..?"

"You'll see..his name is jeon jungkook..your surname is no longer "Lee" it's "Jeon" now since
he is your brother..I want you to be nice and polite as always to your new brother..listen to
his advice...he'll take good care of you.."

"Nooo...nobody can take care of me as good as eomma," I gave her a last hug again. "You're not a
little girl anymore..do this for the sake of eomma,
Araso? This is eomma last wish..you will be living
with him starting tommrow,so pack your clothes and
everything you need to bring now.." she stroked my hair and released from the hug.

Author's note:Hey...^^how's my first chapter, chingus? Sorry if it was too long haha...don't forget to leave comments too and share it to your friends who might love it! Do check out my previous fanfic, "unexpected love"! Love 'ya all so much and have a nice day ahead! I'll promise to update the next chapter ASAP! 😘💖

Upload date:03/10/2016

My  Fake Biological Brother《BTS JUNGKOOK》Where stories live. Discover now