L: Bond Breaker

199 11 19

Writer's block strikes again!

I'm a little late. "^^

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Jimmy Casket was beginning to wake up, unlike Toast, who had just electrocuted himself twice.

Light Zeron saved their house from burning to a crisp (again, unlike Toast), but when everyone returned inside, it still wasn't a preferable sight.

In the kitchen, the tablecloth was twisted at the tips and shortened a few inches by fire. The table it lay upon had a small spot of black burned into the wood. The chair cushion, which had caused a chain reaction to light up the cloth, had exposed stuffing as its covering was almost reduced to nothing. A rug that spread out over most of the wooden floor had a dark gray spot where Johnny had fallen on top of his own invention.

Light felt Evil Johnny move again, slightly. He saw the other Johnny, who was paler than usual. "We need to think of some way to wake him up fast." He looked around to the kitchen sink, then a bottle that had been thrown out of the cabinet during the fire. "...and I think I know an easy way, if... he's alive, that is."

The siblings stared blankly at him.

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Soon enough, a can of ice water was hanging over Toast's head, and Billy was the one holding it. "Couldn't we have just looked for the basement first?" He whispered.

"Do it now!" Light said quietly, ushering the Acachalla to hurry.

"My arms hurt!" Sally complained. She had been holding Toast off the ground for a little while.

Billy barely opened the cap of the bottle where only a drop of water accidentally fell on Toast.

Johnny's eyes opened so fast that Billy freaked out and tore the cap completely, spilling the entirety of the ice on his face after he was already aware.

Johnny screamed.

Billy yelled back at him.

Ghost fell off of Light's shoulder. "WHERE AM I?!" He scrambled to the corner of the kitchen, towards the burned table and away from everybody else. He immediately noticed Toast. "You... How did you return to your normal size?!"

Johnny Ghost, as a mere glowing image of himself in his mind, woke up as well to still find his arms and legs bound in chains (figments of his imagination). He has friends, unlike you.

I could take Knifey and... stab.. stab th-through your weak skin! Casket responded in his usual crazed manner.

Although Ghost kept quiet, Jimmy could hear Johnny going on about loads of devices P.I.E. could use to exorcise Casket's paranormal body after he killed his host.

Johnny Toast stood up while staring at him distantly, as if had been hard to see at all. He then slowly walked towards who he thought was his friend, but Ghost only kept trying to squish himself further under the table. As he had already shoved himself into a corner, there wasn't anywhere else for him to go.

"Stay away from me, you unshaven zombie!" Jimmy said, insulting Toast's stubble that never seemed to disappear.

Toast, swaying as he moved towards him, put his hands on Ghost's shoulders.

"Let go of me!"

"You're... You're not Johnny Ghost." Toast finally spoke. His voice sounded raspy.

"What are you talking about?!" Jimmy said through Ghost's lips as if he had no idea what was going on.

Johnny's knees locked, causing him to fall over and drag Jimmy with him.

No! A thought slipped from Ghost's mind.

Jimmy struggled to keep a straight face.

While they weren't paying any attention, whispers were exchanged between Light and the siblings.

His head was down where at Jimmy's position, his expression couldn't be read. "He's not as..." His sentence was interrupted by a cough. "He's not as heartless as you."

Casket noticed Light slowly moving in his direction. When they made eye contact, the blonde Fazbear employee immediately froze.

Jimmy kept his gaze on Zeron, but still spoke to Johnny, a grin creeping up his face. "Maybe I've just changed."

What are you trying to do?! Johnny Ghost invaded Casket's twisted thoughts, but he knew already. He could see the images in Jimmy's mind. His thoughts were rows of babbling words before his eyes.

Jimmy was going to break Toast apart mentally until his lifelong bond with Ghost followed suit.

Johnny lifted his head, a streak of blood reforming from his mouth and his eyes wide. "I don't believe you... Too sudden..."

Light acted angered at Jimmy's cold response. "Johnny, I don't think he's randomly gone dark!" He shook his head, although Toast hadn't been looking at him. "I think your theory from earlier was correct."

Johnny's eyebrows narrowed at Jimmy. "...Possession."

Jimmy twitched, but kept his cool. "Don't be stupid! I haven't been 'possessed.' You just can't accept the fact that all things come to an end, including friendship."

Toast's eyes teared up, but he refused to cry. Rather, he gave off a more threatening tone. "Tell me..."

"Who are you?"

P.I.E. Operation: PARASITICTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon