Chapter Thirty-Eight: Inauguration

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"George, are you ready for this?"

It was the day of my husband's inauguration as the first-ever President of the United States, and I was just about as anxious as he was. This was a big day, for both of us.

"I-I guess. I mean, I never really even wanted this job anyway, but Alexander made me do it," he grumbled, sitting down in a chair and resting his head on his hand. I sat down beside him, squeezing his shoulder, and he looked up at me, his eyes telling me all that I needed to know.

"I never wanted to be put in charge of the country, but I will do whatever it takes to keep it safe," he whispered, narrowing his eyes.

"Sir? It is time." Billy stuck his head in the room, and George nodded.

"Give me one minute, please." he requested, and Billy agreed to do so, leaving the room quickly. I straightened his jacket, making sure my husband looked as perfect as he always should.

"Thanks," he whispered, and I nodded.

"Anytime. Now, let's go out there and give you a chance to make this country proud." I told him, and he nodded in determination, steeling himself to meet the large crowd of people that was sure to be out there. Adams came into the room after being allowed to enter, and George and I linked arms, sharing one last glance before opening the door that led to the balcony together.

Immediately, upon our arrival, he elated cheers of the proud American people filled the air, and George turned to me, smiling nervously. I gripped his hand tighter, as I felt a wave of pride wash over me.

Soon, my husband was standing tall, the eyes of the people on him, bible in hand, as he made history once more. Scanning the crowd, I picked out Amanda and Benjamin watching the event happily, while George gave his Oath of Office. After he said the last word, I hugged him tightly in jubilation, and he returned the hug, a peaceful smile on his face.

George's POV

As I spoke the words that would ensure my status as the first-ever President of the United States of America, my hands shook, and I tried to calm my nerves.

Ali watched me proudly from the side, looking like she was in Heaven as she gazed upon me. And I knew right then and there that I was destined to lead the people, something I had doubted ever since I took command of the Continental Army in '75.

I gave my first address to my people, feeling a great weight beginning to settle on my shoulders as I assumed this great responsibility.

However, that did not bother me.

I will do whatever it takes, even if that means making a million mistakes, to protect my people. My country.

And if that means being their leader?

Then so be it.


Alice's POV

It was a day after the inauguration, and I was lying on my bed, reading a book and enjoying the fresh evening air coming in from the window. Just as I got to a good part of the book, George came rushing into the room, looking quite frustrated.

"Love, are you alright?" I asked, concerned about my husband.

"Alice, may I please speak to you?" George requested, and I nodded skeptically, curious as to what could warrant a discussion of importance at Midnight on a Saturday night. "I know it is late, but we need to talk."

"As you wish, Your Excellency," I smirked, and he lightly nudged me on the arm.

"I thought we had agreed to drop that title!" He groaned, and I giggled.

"Yeah... not gonna happen, old buddy."

"Anyways, I wish to talk to you about something very stressful." He paused, looking quite pensive.

"Yes?" Prompting him to continue, I spoke softly.

"I wish to offer you a position in my cabinet, as the Secretary of War." I opened my mouth to interrupt him, but he held a finger up and hushed me. "Shh. Talk less. At first, I contacted Colonel Knox, to see if he could take on the harrowing job. But alas, he could not bear to leave his family. I pondered the problem, and finally decided to ask you to fulfill that job, despite society's less than favorable beliefs about women. However, since you are under my protection, you will hopefully be free from discriminatory remarks. So, what do you say Alice?"

"Count me in, President Washington." I told him with a wide smile on my face as I screamed in my head. I might actually be able to make a name for myself for something other than being the wife of General George Washington! This was a golden opportunity, and I am not throwing away my Shot.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" I squealed, wrapping my arms around him and leaving a quick kiss on his cheek. He smiled at me, and I felt like I could never be happier.

Just stay alive, that would be enough.

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