Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Second Union

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It was finally Mandy and Ben's turn.

Their day had arrived.

George and Alice had allowed the couple to hold the wedding at Mount Vernon, for George thought it was quite fitting for the occasion. Benjamin was his spymaster during the war, after all.

Throughout the day, both Alice and Mandy kept detailed accounts of the festivities in their journals, as shown below.

The Journal of Mrs. Alice Washington

Today is finally the day.

My friend is getting married to the love of her life, a certain Benjamin Tallmadge.

As I sit here writing this, me and George are waiting to assist in welcoming the guests. Bradley and I have grown much closer during the two years he has been with us, and I enjoy his company. He and George are also becoming fast friends, and I believe that they enjoy exchanging stories about me.

They both have plenty tales to tell.

Lin and Alexander are thick as thieves. They have become almost like brothers now, with the ability to finish each other's... Sandwiches.

I, meanwhile, share in Amanda's excitement, and steadily growing nervousness. George attempts to aid Benjamin in his preparations, performing his duties as a groomsman and friend to the best of his abilities.

Caleb, Abe, and Anna all arrived at Mount Vernon yesterday, and I could tell Benjamin was happy to see him. His face lit up like Christmas tree lights, and instantly was overjoyed at seeing all his friends again. Mandy shared in his emotions, for she was rather close with Anna, thanks to her work with the Culper ring during the godforsaken war.

I must go now, for the ceremony is about to begin.

-Alice Washington

I watched with pride as my best friend and Lin walked hand in hand toward the aisle. Me and George made eye contact from the opposite side of the room, for he was standing with the groomsmen and I was with the bridesmaids, and smiled at each other.

Lin handed Mandy to Benjamin, who smiled gratefully at him, his eyes full with emotion as he gazed upon his soon to be bride. He did confide in me earlier that he had never expected that day to come, now that I think about it. I watched earnestly as the priest coached them on the little "I do" thingy that they do at weddings, and cheered when they shared their first kiss as husband and wife.

The ceremony ended a while later, and it was an exhausted wedding party that headed home to prepare for the reception. Me and George walked, talking quietly with one another about various topics.

I started humming a little tune under my breath as we walked, and he turned to face me, a smile on his face.

"What song is that?" He inquired, and I grinned.

"Its called Do You Hear the People Sing, from one of my favorite musicals back home."

"Ah," he nodded. "Is it from Lin's musical?"

"It actually is not. It's from a French musical called Les Misérables." I informed him, telling myself to not completely educate him on Les Mis.

Taking a deep breath, I began to sing quietly as we grew closer to our destination, growing louder and more confident with each stanza.

Do you hear the people sing?

Singing the song of angry men.

It is the music of the people
Who will not be slaves again.

When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums.

There is a life about to start when tomorrow comes!

George stopped, and watched me intently as I continued on, a look of blissful peace on his face.

Will you give all you can give

So that our banner may advance.

Some will fall and some will live

Will you stand up and take your chance?

The blood of the martyrs will water the meadows of France!

I continued the song, eventually finishing just as we arrived at the house. George took my hand, and led me over to the piano.

"Will you teach me how to-" he gestured toward the piano, blushing out of embarrassment, and I nodded, sitting down on the piano bench.

"Lawrence was going to start teaching me, but then... Well you know what happened. I have wanted to teach myself, but could never bring myself to do it." He confided in me, and I pulled him close in a hug as he remembered memories he had thought he had buried. We sat down on the bench together, George leaning on my shoulder as I taught him from the very beginning, a very good place to start.

Pretty soon, before we knew it, it was time for the reception.

"Well, the reception was a success." commented George as we changed into our nightclothes that night, and I chuckled. Success was an understatement! If I was honest with myself, I was pretty sure that there would be multiple hangovers tomorrow...but me and George would not have to deal with that.

Certainly not.

Amanda and Benjamin Tallmadge.

Alice and George Washington,

Finally, both sets of soulmates were united in the One True Bond that truly defines us all: marriage.

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