Chapter 35

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When we came in Gotham city, we parked in front of huge white mansion.

"Woow." I said, amazed.
Robin chuckled.
"Like it?" He smirked.
I nodded, still staring at the mansion.

We came to the doors, and Robin rang.
We waited for a few seconds.

The door were opened by an old man.
"Master Grayson." He said, shocked.
I could see shock in his eyes and happiness that Robin is back.

"Hello Alfred." Robin said, with a smile.

I saw Alfred still standing there shocked.


When Alfred let us in, he lead us to the living room.

"Welcome back, master Grayson and you must be his friend." He said.

"That's Belle." Robin said.

"Welcome Belle." Alfred said.
I nodded.

"Thank you." I responded.

Alfred left.
Robin and I sat in the living room.
The fire was burning in the fireplace.

I was watching the fire.
"So, you're real name is Richard Grayson." I said.

"You read my mind?" He asked.
I nodded.
He chuckled.
"Yea, it is."

It was a moment of silence.

"How was it?" I asked.
He looked at me confused.

"Living in such place. With family."
I said, thinking about ma past.

"Well, actually, I was adopted by Bruce Wayne. My parents were working in the circus. You know for "Flying Graysons"? He asked.

I nodded.

"My parents died there, during the show. I became an orphan and soon Bruce adopted me. I didn't know then that he was Batman. I found out that later and I wanted to fight crimes with him." He said.

"What happened that you went to Jump city?" I asked.

"I wanted to go solo. I had enough of being his sidekick."

I understood.

"Why didn't you just read my mind, like everyone else's?"

"Because I wanted to let you telling me your secrets freely. Without me sneaking in your mind." I smiled weakly.

He smiled back.

"What about you?" He asked.

I looked at him confused.

"What about your past?" He asked curious.

I sighed.

"I was born 300 years ago. When I was very, very young. I was, you can say, royalty. My dad, mum and me went on the king's ball. When we headed home my parents were killed by some mad man. My mum's last words were "I love you Belle. Be strong. Don't let anybody controls you." I have no idea what she meant. I was send to the orphanage. Soon I was adopted by some couple and they were using me like their servant. They send me back when I almost killed them, with poison gas."

Robin was shocked. I chuckled.

"Then some other couple adopted me. We went on a North pole. They were killed there and I met werewolves there. I became their princes there.
Few years later some scientists came and they took me and began doing some experiments on me. Later werewolves saved me. I was send back to the orphanage. One night, when I was outside, I was turned into a vampire. That's how I met a guy, named Daniel. He was taking care of me and helping me. I started felling in love with him."

I saw Robin getting jealous.
I chuckled.

"One day, I lost control, while I was in the orphanage and killed everyone with darkness. Also the whole town.
Daniel and I got out.
That moment was when I met Predators.
They did something to me to send me to sleep. When I woke up, I was alone. Daniel was not there. Just his bloody hand. Since that day I came back to North pole to everyone. But I was still feeling alone without Daniel. Few years later I had to go on a meeting with Predators. They wanted me to join, but no. I didn't want. I was saved by my friends from camp. I met there Sasha, Stephanie, Jimmy, Mark..."

Robin got even more jealous of hearing his name.

"... and I fell in love with Jimmy. We wanted to be together, but something was stopping us. We got that as a sign. Jimmy said that he knew that he wasn't the right one for me. And that I will meet the one on my journey. When I left from them, I soon came in Jump city. And there I met you." I said.

Robin's face was serious.

"Wow. You survived a lot."

I nodded.

Then some man came in the living room.

"Hello Richard."

"Hi, Bruce."

(Teen Titans Fanfic) All that I'm leaving for...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora