Chapter 9

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Shadow's P.O.V
I was on the roof of the Titans tower. After Starfire comented my necklase, it just brought me in some painfull memories and all my friends who are far away. I don't know if they are alive, either.
Suddenly, something brought me out of my thoughts. "Hey." I heard Robin's voice. I didn't even heard that he came in.
"Hey." I said and continued watching from the tower. "What's up?" he asked, as he sat next to me. "Nothing, just... nothing." I didn't want to talk about my past.
"Wanna talk about it?" Robin asked. "No." I said, shooking my head. After that, it was silent. It was nice. "Wanna go for a walk or pizza?" Robin asked, nervous. I didn't want to read his mind this time.
I nodded. We went to the garage and Robin sat on his motorcycle. I was about to ran wizh him, when he said. "Come." "What?" I asked, not sure if he said that. "Come, sit behind me." he said. I sat behind him and put my arms around his waste.
I felt him stif. I was a little uncomftrobole, too.
He started the motorcycle and he drove us to the pizza place.
We came to the pizza place and went in.
We sat to the table next to the window. While we were waiting fir waitress, we were talking. "So how long do you leave?" Robin asked. "More then 300 years." I said and strug. He nodded. "Wow."
"I know." I said. Waitress came and that was actually some guy. "Hi, what can I get you?" he asks. I looked at Robin and he smiled to me. "Umm, we will have cheese pizza, thank's." Robin said. But, the guy looked at me and said "Look, I think It's better for her to decide. Be a gentlemen!" the guy said to Robin, checking on me. I knew that there's no way for us to get out of this situation, if Robin will talk. "Yes, just cheese pizza, please." I said to the guy, looking at Robin. I read guy's mind and he was jelous. I looked at Robin and he was looking at the guy. The guy left to get us pizza.
"So, you saw a lot of history." Robin said. I nodded "Yea."
"Did you see George Washington?" Robin asked in amuse. I laughed a little and said "Yes, I saw him too."
The guy (waitress) came with a pizza and put it down. He blinked to me and left. Robin and I started eating pizza. It was kinda nice. Just two of us. Then some guys came in. Robin looked at them and then at me. I was hiding myself from them. I turned my head to the window and I was hiding with my hand. Robin was little confused "Umm, Shadow. You're alright?" he asked. "Yea, but guys like these are always checking the girls like me." I explaind. Robin nodded. Then I heard "Hey, guys! I think that's her!" someone said, but I knew that they were talking about me. I could feel their scent coming to us. "Hey hottie!" some guy said.
I turned around and looked at them, but not fully. "Wanna go on a ride with us?" one of them asked. I just shook my head, a little. Robin noticed that, and he tried to deffend me. "Sorry, but she's here with me." Robin said. The guy looked at Robin in discust and then me "Sereously, do you wanna go on a ride with us?"
I chuckled, almost spit the food out of my mouth, and Robin growled a little.
"No, thank's." I said to them. "Oh, c'mon, hottie!" the guy said. I ignored the nickname.
"No." I said. The guy took my arm and was about to take me, violently. "Hey! Live her!" Robin yelled ang got up. "Oh, relax! We're just going to borrow your girlfriend!" the guy said to Robin. That made me angry. I controled the shadow to go in him, making him losing his straight. He fell on the ground. I took Robin's hand and in vampire speed I got us out of there.
When I stoped, we were in the parl. Robin felt dizzy "Don't you ever do that to me." he said and I laughed.
When he was alright, we started walking, enjoying the nature and everything around. Suddenly, I got an idea. Next to us was a big tree. And I quickly started runing on the tree, while Robin was looking at me in confusion. I sat on a branch.
"What are you doing?" Robin asked. I smiled and said "C'mon Boy Wonder, let me see what you got!" I teased.
He smirked and jumped on a brench on what was I. I smirked and in vampire speed I ran behind him. He wondered where I am. I taped his sholder and he turned around. As he turned around, he accedently bend, took my hand and we both fell from the tree on the ground. We were laying on the ground and lughing. I got myself in a sitting position and looked at Robin who was still laying on the ground. We were looking at eachothers eyes. Both of us started to lean to eachother.
Suddenly, we heard Robin's comunicator goes off. I moved from Robin and I could see blush on Robin's face. He took his comunicator and answered. It was Cyborg. Cyborg just nodded and hanged up. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing. C'mon, let's go to the tower." Robin said and smiled. I was suspecting and asked "Do I have to read your mind?" Robin started panicking and he was waving his hands "No, no, no, no, no! Please, don't!" Robin yelled. I was still suspecting, but I gave up. We went to Robin's motorcycle and Robin drove us home.


We came to the tower and we parked Robin's motorcycle.
"Come, I want to show you something." Robin said, with a smirk. He took my hand and started to lead me towards the hall. I was confused but continued following him. We came to the door and he said "Open it." I opened the door.
"SUPRISE!!!" everyone yelled.
It was really suprise. They made for me my room! I couldn't believe! "Wow!" I said. My room was huge. Walls were black. On one wall was a huge window, with a long, dark purple curtain.
Floor was grey and on the wall next to the window was a huge bed. On the other wall was a desk and next to it a lot of papers and art meterials. There was a huge closet, a black piano and one guitar and one electric guitar, violin and drums, also a flute. There was a door on the other side of the room. I went in and it was my bathroom. Dark blue.
"Do you like it?" Raven asked.
"It's perfect. Thank you guys." I said. "That's what friends are for!" Cyborg said.
"Umm... Friend Shadow why are our eyes golden color?"
Starfire asked, concered.
"What?" I asked, not sure if it's true. "Yea, dude. Your eyes are golden." Beast Boy said.
I just smiled. They were confused. "When my eyes are golden, it means that I'm happy." I said. They all smiled and they were happy. "So your eyes change color of your emotions?" Robin asked. "Yea." I answered. "I don't remember the last time I felt some emotion, or my eyes changed." I explaind. They were happy. "Thank's guys."
They smiled and left, leaving just me and Robin. "You just tried to keep me away, didn't you?" I asked Robin, with a smirk. "Yea, but I had fun today." Robin said, putting his hand behind his neck, nervous. I laughed a little and said "Thank's." Robin nodded. He was about to leave when he said "My room is in front of your's, a little to the right." then he left. I was kinda glad for that. I continued watching around my room and I put my things to the place. I don't remember the last time, when someone did something like that for me. They are really perfect friends.

ME: "That was the plan! Man, when I was writing this story, I thought I was going to die, how long I've been writing! But I survived!

ROBIN: "Yea, right! You're just lazy."

ME:  "Excuse me, Bird boy! I'M the one who is writing this. Your the one who is a chicken and doesn't want to tell Shadow how you feel about her!! So, back of!!!!

ROBIN: "Because It's not time yet."

ME:  "So, your time is going to be when she finds someone!? Because, that will be soon!"

ROBIN:  "I'm going to tell Shadow, just..."

SHADOW:  "Tell me what?

ME: "Yea, Robin. Tell her what? >: )

ROBIN: "Well... Umm... I... have chocolate.  ^_^'

SHADOW:  :-\

ME:  >:-P

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