Aw aren't they cute? Well you'll be happy to know that this isn't the only couple news that we have! As you know popular you-tuber Y/n Y/l/n and signer JOJO are the other power couple of our generation! This pair have been a couple for 1 year and 6 months and have been goals ever since. Yesterday JOJO had a small Q&A with her fans and she was asked about her relationship with her younger man, and this is what she said

"He's amazing. And the fact that he's supportive and sweet I just couldn't have wanted anyone else. I can't possible tell you how much he means to me because there aren't really any words but all I do know is that I love him and that's all I have to say"

Later that night, y/n posted this cute photo of him and JOJO back stage at one of her shows..."


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"... He captioned it

@yourtwittername: So happy be be back with this beauty after so long apart! She absolutely killed it tonight, super proud of her!! Also @FifthHarmony you girls are amazing! Thank you for such an amazing experience!! @JOJO

"... I love these power couples! I don't know about you but this is defiantly going down as the best day in relationship history. I'm Chelsea Briggs and this has been Hollywire Hot Minute"

"Can't they just back off??"Lauren screamed as she slammed my laptop close

"Hey watch it! That cost me a lot of money!" I exclaimed as she paced around the tour bus

"Y/n!! I'm serious! I hate hiding our relationship! I hate how I have to lie and say stuff I love about you but pretend I'm talking about Nick! And you posted an image of us and said it was JOJO! Y/n I can't do this anymore" tears began to fall as she slumped next to me

"I know. It's so hard to sit in an interview or to do a Q&A and say how much I love JOJO when I'm in love with you! I hate how people ship you and Nick, I hate how happy you look when you're with him. I hate how he can call you his girl in public and I'm left here to think things I don't want to. I'm left thinking he's better-"she cut me off and places her hands on my face stopping me from looking away

"Don't you even dare say another word! I love you!! Not him, or anyone else! I'm in love with you! I wanna marry you, carry our first child, I want us to go on family trips and for us to tell our children how we meet, how we got together, about your wedding! Y/n I want that with you not Nick!" She paused, running a hand through her hair

"I know that this isn't ideal for either of us. JOJO came to me the other day saying that she felt so horrible for this. She cried to me thinking that I hate her for causing me so much pain, but I knew it wasn't her fault. None of us are to blame for this. Y/n I can't do this any more" her sobs became heavier as she cried on my shoulder

Lauren Jauregui imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora