Chapter 26

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It's funny how life works. You never believe your most disturbing nightmares could ever come true.

And I'm not saying spiders or clowns looming over you when you wake up in the middle of the night.

I'm talking about the most heart wrenching reality that you pray to the universe was just a dream and you could simply wake up and allow the bitter memories to fade away.

You never believe that the somber tales they put in books will become your life until you're in that exact same position finding out life-altering information.

I sit in the waiting room alongside my family and Corey. Sobs, tears, screams you name it, are being brought out through everyone's reactions.

However, I remain still and staring at the ground with glazed over eyes.

My most conflicting friend, most aggravating confidante, overprotective ally, my father, died without the resolve of a goodbye.

I look around the room observing how everyone morns in their own way. Talia remains cooped in a beige chair sobbing vigorously as her best friend and boyfriend Aiden holds her close allowing tears to trickle down his own cheeks as well.

Symphony stands firm against the wall, arms crossed and eyes wandering anywhere but at us, as tears stream down her face.

Tera, my father's second wife, sits slouched on the edge of the waiting room sofa releasing a mix of sobs and screams as she basks in the deathly news.

My mother, and close friend of my father, cries in the arms of her longtime boyfriend Sean as he holds her close to his chest.

Now as for me, I sit quietly next to Corey as he holds my hand and rubs reassuring circles on my back, unsure if the information has actually hit me or not.

I squeeze Corey's hand in reassurance before I slowly take another look at the people in this room.

I let go of Corey and walk over to Talia first, giving her a tight hug, whispering soothing words and allowing her to cry into my shoulder before I move around the room doing the same for everyone.

After making sure everyone has a way home and is being taken care of, I walk to the front desk to handle any last requirements.

Corey follows soon after and lays a hand gently on the small of my back before asking in words laced with concern, "Calia, how are you holdin' up?"

I let out a lengthy sigh and focus on filling out paperwork while responding, "I'm managing. I just need to make sure everything here is handled, then talk to Tera and the girls about funeral arrangements and go through his stuff..."

Corey pulls me into a reassuring hug in an attempt to get me to let out my tears and wails but is instead met with a quick squeeze and a tight lipped smile.

"You don't have to stay, I know it was a lot already to ask you to be here with me" I state as I continue the paperwork. "No, it wasn't. I'm your friend Calia, I want to be here and support you" he states incredulously.

I give him a small smile before saying, "That's very sweet of you Corey but really, I'll be fine. I just have to handle this stuff and head home. Plus I'm sure you should be getting ready for your game right?"

Corey's eyebrows furrow at my response knowing that I never confuse games and practices. However he brushes it away and replies, "No I actually have practice in an hour but I'm most definitely fine with missing it today to stay with you."

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