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"Good morning," Joe hummed, giving me a small kiss.

"Morning," I mumbled, turning over in bed.

"Are you okay?" Joe asked.

"Yeah, just tired."

Joe got out of bed and went to get Ava, who was crying. 

I stayed in bed while Joe helped the kids get ready for school. I just feel so exhausted that just getting out of bed right now sounds horrible and I'd rather just stay right here.

"Are you going to get up to see the kids or do you want me to bring them on here?" Joe asked, coming back in our room.

"I'll get up," I groaned. 

"You can stay in bed if you want," Joe shrugged.

"No, it's fine," I nodded, getting up.

"Mummy!" They smiled, giving me a hug.

"Good morning darlings," I smiled tiredly.

"I don't want to go to school," Noah huffed.

"Aw, come on, you'll have fun and you'll get to see your friends," I encouraged him.

"No! I want to stay home with you and Dad, and Ava and Ozzy!" He argued.

"Noah, you know you have to go to school, be a good boy now," Joe hummed.

"Please! I don't want to go," He pouted, plopping himself on the ground in protest.

"Noah, you have to go. Come on, get up and get your bag."

"No!" He shook his head and crossed his arms.

"Noah Joseph," Joe warned.

"I want to be with you and the babies!" He argued.

"Noah, come on, you're going to make you and Noelle late for school," Joe said, picking him up from the ground and standing him up, "Here's your bag, give Mummy a kiss, and let's go."

"I love you. Have a good day," I smiled, giving Noelle and hug and kiss.

"I love you too!" She smiled.

"I love you too, come here Noah, you'll have a good day, okay?" I said, now giving Noah a hug and kiss.

"No," Noah pouted.

"Come on, give me a kiss baby," I playfully pouted.

Noah gave me a small peck before Joe whisked them away and took them to school.

I took care of Ava and Ozzy as they had both woken up and needed feeding and their nappies changing. 

"Okay, you first, you little stinker," I smiled, picking up Ozzy and changing his nappy.

I then put him back in his cot and changed Ava's nappy. Everything takes twice as long with twins, obviously because there's two times as many babies. But it's manageable, barely, but it is.

Soon Joe returned home.

"Are you alright?" Joe asked me.

"Yeah, I'm alright, just really tired," I laughed lightly, "How'd Noah get off to school?"

"He argued and pouted some more in the car and made me walk him to his class, but he'll fine," Joe explained.

"I still don't know if we should home-school him," I huffed.

"I think right now he's okay in school. Neither you or I have the time or energy to have another one at home and teach him. I think it would make it more chaotic to have him at home," Joe huffed.

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