"Bubble Bath" AU

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"Is it ready?" Scott sighed, leaning against the locked bedroom door.

"Yeah, yeah, it's getting there..."

Scott humphed, tapping his foot impatiently. Vincent had said he had a surprise for him in their bedroom, but that he had to get it ready first. So now, Scott was locked out, left to imagine what Vincent was doing.

Whatever it was, Scott was blushing about it already.

"Okay, honey, it's ready now!" Scott heard the door click, and he opened it and walked in eagerly. Inside, Vincent sat with his hair down in a plain white bathrobe.

"So... is this my surprise? You in a robe?"

Vincent chuckled. "No, silly. Your surprise is in here~" He stood up, taking his partner's hands and leading him to the on-suite bathroom. He could already smell the soft flowery fragrance that wafted through the door, and when it was opened, Vincent motioned to the bathtub.

It was like something out of a dream, or from a magazine. The warm water was light pink, its surface covered in bubbles. On top were pink rose petals, dispersed generously and romantically. There were candles on every open surface. Vincent smiled, proud of his work. "And it's big enough for the two of us."

Scott blushed and smiled. It was just as good as he expected, and better. In fact, he was already pulling off his shirt. "This is really sweet of you, Vince... how long have you been planning this?"

"Oh, for a while now. I knew you needed it." Vincent kissed his husband's cheek. He usually worked the day shift, while Scott worked the much more taxing night shift almost daily. "And I knew we'd both enjoy it... you know, just us, getting to relax for a while." He slipped off his robe while Scott stripped the rest of his clothes.

Scott blushed at a sudden realization: they were both naked. "Uh, are we gonna...?"

"No, not if you don't want to. This is your day, honey."

"... I just wanna cuddle."

"Alrighty. But you get in first. Otherwise you'd crush me."

Scott slowly climbed into the warm water, sighing happily. He couldn't remember the last time he'd taken the time to treat himself to a warm bath (or a treat of any kind, really). Since the two got married and bought a house, Scott had been working so much to get them money. The flowery fragrance of the candles and bubbles, combined with the encompassing warmth of the water, made this feel like heaven.

And here came his angel now, settling into the water until he was laying against Scott's chest and they were both spread horizontally across the large tub. He closed his eyes and hummed as Scott ran his fingers through his long purple hair.

"You're such a sweetheart... and, thanks. I did need this."

"It's no problem." Vincent kissed his neck softly. "Anything for my husband."

"Aww..." Scott picked up some of the rose petals in the water and scattered them over Vincent's hair. He then closed his eyes as Vincent had done. A warm bath with the love of his life. It really was heaven.

And after a few more quick kisses and shared thanks and compliments, they were both sound asleep in their bubbly paradise.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2016 ⏰

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