"Baby It's Cold Outside" AU

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Statistically, when robbing a house or bank or any other place, things can and will go wrong. You could get shot, trapped in a safe, stuck in a revolving door, or any number of other things. On the long list, getting snowed in with the person you were trying to rob is probably the least probable occurrence.

In Vincent's case, however, that's exactly what happened.

"I really can't stay~" He sang in his deep voice, attempting to be funny or cute. Scott, the brown-haired man to whom the house belonged, only sighed. "You idiot, you'll die outside." he sang back monotonously.

"Geez, no need to be rude."

"You tried to rob me."

"... good point. You've got me there. But look, I didn't have a choice."

"What do you mean?"

"It's Christmas. I have next to nothing, and I work at a dead-end job as a mechanic in a kids' pizzeria."

"Well, uh, that sucks, but it isn't an excuse to rob people."

Vincent sat on the couch, hands running slowly and tensely through his soft purple hair. "I'm snowed in here now with someone who hates me and I have no way to get home, o-or to work..." Scott looked over at him with concern and draped a blanket over his shoulders. "Hey, you'll be okay, just... t-take it easy, alright? Want some hot cocoa?"

"Why... why are you being so nice to me?"

"It's Christmas." Scott strolled into the kitchen, humming. Vincent leaned back on the couch and smiled. He picked up another blanket from the floor and bundled up in it, slowly starting to doze off.

Vincent awoke to a steaming mug of hot cocoa in front of him, a note attached to the handle.

Vincent- You may not have stolen any money or valuables, but you did manage to steal my heart. I'm upstairs if you need anything. - Scott

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