"Our dates stood us up" AU

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Vincent drums his fingers on the edge of the table, spinning a red rose in his hand. He had a date at seven. And now it was eight.

He took a bite of the since-now untouched plate of nachos. It was way too big for him alone, as it should be, because he ordered it for him and his date. Who had yet to show up.

Maybe he was just running late. Right?

Vincent's eyes couldn't help but wander over to the man at the next table over, who was also sitting alone. He wondered if he was in the same situation. Or if this man was his date and this was all a big misunderstanding.

The clock sitting above his booth didn't help. It was obnoxiously loud, ticking away every second that Vincent's date hadn't arrived. At one point, it became obvious he had been stood up, but he didn't want to believe it.

He picked at his nachos for a while more until he noticed the man at the other table was looking at him as well. He'd look up, then down. The same way Vincent had. When the clock hit nine, Vincent decided he had had enough.

"Hey, um, excuse me..." He tapped the table opposite him, and the man looked. "My date stood me up and I could really use a handsome man like you to help me finish this plate of nachos."

The man's face turned bright red. Vincent occasionally regretted how much of a flirt he was. The man shuffled over into the other booth.

"I'm Vincent, by the way."

"Scott. My date stood me up too."


This night ended perfectly.

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