"Theatre" AU #1

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Vincent sat, smoothing out a blue, green, and purple tutu. Hustle and bustle occurred around him that he hardly paid any attention to. His nerves threatened to flare up and rear their ugly heads, but he quickly suppressed them. This was show business.

The local theatre company was putting on a production of The Lion King, and they'd decided to add colorful birds to the landscape. For that they needed dancers, and Vincent was one of those dancers.

This was the first showing, and with an hour and a half to showtime, Vincent could already hear the theater filling up. People talked, causing a loud din to spread into the dressing room. People in the dressing room shouted.

"Curtain rises in an hour and a half!"

"Could you toss me that hairspray?"

"Fritz! My costume's falling off again!"

Vincent smiled a little bit. It was an organized chaos, and all the pieces would surely snap into place like they should.

"Hello, Peacock #2." He felt a warm hand on his shoulder and turned to look.

There behind him stood a tall man with short brown hair and slightly tan skin. He was clean shaven, and he wore the same uniform as other costuming volunteers wore: a black polo shirt and jeans. He pushed his black glasses up to the bridge of his nose and grinned down at the man. "I'm Scott, the only one here competent enough to do the peacock makeup. Let's get to work!"

Vincent watched as the man kneeled and opened what could best be classified as a makeup arsenal. Vincent closed his eyes and kept his face neutral, as he'd learned to do when someone was putting makeup on him. Scott dipped his brush in the sparkly container of his makeup case and dragged it along Vincent's face, down from his eye and across his cheek, swirling it up near his ear. He did the same to the other side of the man's face, perfectly symmetrical. A few splashes of green, blue, and purple later, and he'd been transformed into a peacock... or at least, something that looked like it.

"Just the finishing touches... you canopies your eyes now." Vincent opened his eyes for the first time in half an hour, gazing at the man who was currently sticking long false eyelashes to him. He had makeup splotched across his skin and clothing, and his tongue poked out of his mouth as he worked for perfection. Vincent couldn't help but to add a little bit of natural blush to his face at the thought that this adorable man would be this close to his face for five more show days to come.

"Curtain up in an hour! There's two more peacocks, Scott!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going!" He tucked the hair that stuck out from the sides of Vincent's head up into a neat and strategically placed silver bobby pin, looking to the impatient peacocks. "Well..." He smiled. "Break a leg out there. It's... Vincent, right?"


"Peacock #2 and Vincent #1. Got it."

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