"Kiss Cam" AU

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The date was June 26th, and gay marriage had just been legalized country-wide. And as much as Scott wanted to celebrate, he had tickets to a baseball game.

As he walked into the ball park, peanuts and Cracker Jacks in hand, he found he was in a lone seat surrounded by strangers. He sat down, directly next to a man in purple, the team color. This guy had determination. Well, that and a beautiful smile, gorgeous hair, dark brown eyes...

No, no, Scott, focus. Baseball.

Throughout the game, Scott did stay focused... for the most part. The man next to him caught a fly ball and gave it to a little kid watching the game. The girl's smile covered her face. How generous... no, just common decency. Then it came time for the infamous act of the eighth inning stretch- the kiss cam.

It started as usual: men and women up in the stands staring in shock as the camera panned in on them, then sharing a quick and usually sloppy kiss for all the fans and viewers at home to see. Midway through, a voice came over the loudspeakers in the stadium. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to announce the Supreme Court's decision to legalize love. As such, we wish to reflect that in today's very special edition of the Kiss Cam. This stadium and its players will always stand by equality for all."

Scott sat there, hand holding a fistful of peanuts, mouth agape in shock. Was this real? Were they really doing this? A quick look to the screen revealed two women in a lip lock, and he knew he wasn't just hearing things.

Some of the audience booed. A few got up and left. But most of them cheered, and Scott was one of them. A wave started. Two of the players kissed. Cheering. Chanting. It was surreal. But Scott's celebration quickly faded when he saw a certain familiar face appear on the big screen. Two, actually. His, and the one of the man next to him.

"Oh, n-no, I'm not..." He tried to explain- to nobody in particular, as the cameras didn't pick up sound. The purple man turned to him calmly, and suddenly Scott felt like he and the man were the only ones here, even amidst this chaos. "We don't have to kiss if you don't want to, and... I mean, you're really cute, but I understand if-"

Scott pressed his lips to the other man's mid-sentence. It tasted like peanuts and Cracker Jacks.

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