"Love Letters" AU #1

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Scott walked through the dimly lit halls of Freddy Fazbear's to a tiny Employees Only room in the back of the joint. It was right next to the safe room, and sported a row of small metal lockers in which the unfortunate workers could store their mortal possessions. They were dented and rusted, but at least there'd be some remnant of them if they disappeared.

He sat down on the cold metal bench and pulled what he didn't need from his small cross body bag. A book... he didn't need that, there wasn't much time to read with your life on the line. Pen and paper, chewing gum, a lighter. He pulled them all together into a neat little pile and opened the locker labeled "Scott". As he did, a piece of notebook paper fluttered out of his locker.

He sighed. He'd been getting these little notes all week, from someone who only identified themselves as "Secret Admirer". He unfolded it and read it, figuring he should at least humor whoever was sending them like always.

Dear Scott,

I found some notebook paper crumpled up in the trash bin. I stooped to look at it, and I realized that it was one of my letters to you. I was heartbroken, but I understood. This will be my last letter, unless I get a response. I don't want to bother you anymore.

But on a happy note, like the previous letters, this is just to tell you that I love you. You're so cute, how your hair flops to one side when you're working over the desk, and the way your eyes light up when a kid comes by to say hello to you, and so, so many more things, too many that I can't fit them on this paper. So many that graphite on paper can't even do them justice. I just love everything about you. And you're one of the kindest people I've ever met.

I'm not gonna ask you to love me. I'm not gonna ask you to give me a chance, even. Because when you love someone the way I love you, you just want them happy. That's all I want for you.

Goodbye, for now.

~ Secret Admirer

Scott sighed and shook his head, smiling. He felt sort of bad for the lovesick fool. That was just what he was, a fool. He balled the letter up and shot it into the waste bin as Vincent walked in.

"What's that?" His eyes followed the arc of the paper wad as it sunk into the bin with a satisfying swish.

"Oh, just another love letter." Scott laughed.

"... don't you think it's cruel to just throw them away like that? Someone put a lot of effort into those." Vincent swung his locker open and grabbed his bag.

"It's kind of creepy to be sending love letters... and why do you care? It's not like you wrote them."

"Yes, I did." Vincent blushed and huffily walked out.

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