Here the Shadows Lie chapter 24

Start from the beginning

This time I let a couple tears loose, but brushed them away before Damian saw. I knew he saw though, because he was staring at me sympathetically. I didn't want empathy from him or anyone; I just wanted to be left alone like I had been before the massacre struck. Yet, I knew that my life would never be like it was before I learned the true meaning of Shadow.

I tried to sit up a little more, but the burning sensation in my ribs was not helping the situation. Damian saw me struggle, and got up from the cot in a hurry. He came back with a little vile of pink liquid, and brought it to my cracked lips.

"Drink this, it should soothe the pain," he ordered in a calm fashion.

I hesitated, but eventually tilted my head back allowing the cool syrup to slide down my parched throat. I shuddered at the aftertaste, but I could immediately notice the cool devouring the heat in my chest.

I sighed in relaxation, but still carried my loss heavily on my shoulders.

"What about Valerie...? Did you see her...?" I was about to say body, but I couldn't bring myself to even think that way.

He shook his head," I was too caught up in fighting, and getting you out of there."

Anger rose up inside of me," But you could have saved her," I suggested.

"It was either you or her. The logical choice was you."

"Do you honestly care about the stupid "logical" choice!? I want my sister back! She didn't deserve to die like that," I screamed as tears washed my face.

Those tears weren't for my family even if I wanted them to be, those tears were of frustration. Not even annoyance of Damian, but it was hatred that I felt for myself. Maybe I was the "logical" choice, but I shouldn't have been. Being the logical choice meant losing everything, and paying for it with your own guilt.

"I don't know what you want me to do Alexa," Damian finally said in exasperated tone.

I shrugged gritting my teeth," I want you to bring Valerie back."

"You know I can't do that!" he slightly yelled.

"Then leave me alone!" I bawled finally letting loose.

I held my hands to my already soaked face, and sobbed. The shock of it all was over, and I had finally realized how much of my life I had lost by just losing three people. They had meant the world to me even if I didn't recognize it. I guess the saying," You don't know what you have until it's gone," was extremely true.

Before I knew it Damian's arms cautiously wrapped around my shoulders cooing soothing words to me. It didn't work though, I was still in pain, and filled with utter terror. I wept for their lost lives, I wept for the cruelty of life, and I wept selfishly for myself and what was to become of me in the Shadow Dimension.

"I can make it all go away...." he mentioned after my wracked sobs were depleting in increments. He brought my face to his," You'll forget everything that happened, just tell me what you want that I can do."

I sniffled, and pondered about how it would affect me. I would forget Lori, and how much she sculpted who I was. She was the closest I had to a real mother, and the thought of losing her was eating away at my heart. Mark I wouldn't be able to forget easily even though our bond had its flaws. And Valerie the only sister I had ever had would be erased from my mind like she wasn't there at all. I couldn't do that to them, because then their lives would have been pointless in raising me, and caring for me just to be forgotten after death. The suffering of their loss I would have to bear for the sake of their lives wasted on me.

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