7. Operation: Leave the Bunker

Start from the beginning


I'm spun around thanks to Sam, who's got an iron grip on my arm as he pulls me away. The fire notices we're fleeing, it's suddenly flying after us at double its speed. Yeah, this fire is definitely not Mother Nature's doing.

The roar drowns out our feet, our heartbeats. I can see it trying to surpass us on each side. Whoever is behind this blaze is trying to corral us. I'm not sure if I'll be stable enough to take them on. They've already gotten me shaken by the fire.

My foot catches on something, and I go down, not taking Sam with me. He stops to run back for me, but I wave him on. He hesitates and waits as I get to my feet, stumbling after him. I can feel the heat lick at my heels. I start hacking between the running and the smoke trying to suffocate me.

My vision is swimming, Sam is starting to look a bit fuzzy. I can't focus, I want to faint. I fall to my knees, coughing. I hear Sam's muffled calling of my name as I hang my head.

Bright flames circle me. Dazedly, I pick my head up to see Sam nowhere in sight.

"Sam?" I cry hoarsely, feeling the panic start to fight for control of me. "Sammy?"

"Jo!" I barely hear him over the fire.

I put my hand over my mouth and try to see past the flames for my little brother. I've got a wide ring of fire around me. It's the only thing separating me from Sam. With what consciousness I have left, I get onto shaky feet.

"Sam?" I try again, standing on my tiptoes as though that'll help me find him.

I scream and jump as a fire-eaten tree falls behind me. I focus back to Sam as I hear him cry out. The protective instinct in me rises, and for the briefest moment, I don't feel the fear from the fire. I feel like I'm the most invincible person in the world. Like I'm immortal.

Bravely, I move towards the fire wall. Through the flames, I can see Sam battling someone on the other side. And he doesn't look like he's winning. I cough again. I yell as I see Sam go down hard on the ground. The figure towers over him.

Despite the fatigue, the dizziness, the fear, I run straight for the fire wall. I don't care if I burn, I don't care if I scar. My baby brother is in trouble, and for as far back as I can remember, I've watched over him. When Dean isn't around to protect Sammy, I step in.

I'm all he has right now.

My heart runs in fear as I head for the flames. The heat spikes, I close my eyes and jump through.

I land without scorching my skin. The fire is made to look harmful, but it isn't. I get in a second's breath before I charge for the figure's back and launch onto him. He bellows, immediately trying to throw me off. I try and pull him away from Sam, who looks to be barely awake right now. Grunting, I jerk the figure away.

I'm suddenly tossed over their head, landing on the ground back first. I cough harshly as I try to sit up. A strong hand is on my throat, pulling me off the ground. It isn't until new bursts of fire surround us that I take in his features.

I feel my heart shatter and curse words fly in my head.

I can't get his name to come out of my mouth, he's too busy cutting off my air. As I try to pry his hand off me, I notice his right sleeve is down. The Mark of Cain, clear as day, burns brightly. That has to be behind this sudden attack.

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