Chapter 20

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Savanah's P.O.V.
      After we got out of that house we were taken to the Police station. We told them our sides of the story then we were free to go.  We were finally free.

    An officer took me to my apartment afterwards. To say I was nervous is an understatement. It has been a while since I've seen my bestfriend and boyfriend.

  I opened the door to my apartment and was surprised by what I saw.

   Jackie and Luke were making out on the couch. Wow, they must have been so worried about me.

I slammed the door shut getting there attention. They both looked at me as if I were a ghost.

      "Savanah," Said Luke while blinking.

       "Your back," Said Jackie with venom in her voice.

    "It's nice to know you both cared about my dissapearence," I said sarcastically.

   "I did care about you baby," Said Luke while pushing Jackie off of his lap.

      I gasped as Jackie stood up. She was skinny, but she had an obvious baby bump. She looked at me and smirked.

   "It's great to know that my bestfriend was more worried about fucking my boyfriend instead of my dissapearence,"

Her smirk fell and she looked shocked.

    " I wasn't the one who ran away with a guy," She said.

Why was I ever friends with her?

"I was kidnapped, not like you care anyways," I said.

I didn't say anything else as I walked out the door. The officer looked at me with a questioning look.

  "Can you take me back to the station please?"

      Once I arrived at the station, Detective Rios looked at me with concern.

     "Savanah, is everything okay?" He asked.

"No, I don't have a place to stay," I told him.

    "Let me call one of the other girls," He said.

Atleast I will be with people who truly care about me.

"Yes, okay I'll take her," He said in to the phone.

"Cici said you could stay with her. She said she would feel more relaxed with you there," Said Detective Rios.

   "Thank you, can you take me to a clinic first, please?" I asked.

I wanted to make sure my baby is healthy.

"Yes, lets go," he said.

      Everything at the clinic was fine. They gave me vitamins to keep me healthy. I carresed my stomach lightly. I still can't believe that im carrying a human in me.

  Detective Rios pulled up at Cici's and smiled at me.

    "Start over," He said, "your life has just begun,"

   Detective Rios had a point. I'm going to be a mother. My life has just begun.

    The end.

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