Chapter 2

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    I woke up in a white windowless room. I got up off the bed and looked at my surroundings. I slowly walked to the door and turned the doorknob realizing it locks from the outside. I have no clue where I'm at. Suddenly, everything came back to me. The guy at table six, he had a flat tire and needed help. That bastard! He kidnapped me. Gosh, how can I be so stupid? I looked down at my body to see I was wearing a navy blue and beige dress. Who changed me and whose dress is this?

I kicked the door repeatedly, wanting to leave this room.

"Help, help, HELP!" I screamed while kicking the door. The door opened, and the guy from table six walked in.

"Violet, stop making noises. I'm glad you woke up." He said while touching my hair.

Who the hell is Violet?

"Where am I? Why did you take me? What do you want?" I yelled with anger.

He looked mad, but he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. I smacked his back while kicking my legs.

"let me go. Help, Help. " I screamed frantically as he walked down a set of stairs. He probably has a two story house.

"Help, Help, Help," I screamed as loud as I could.

"No one is going to here you darling. The whole house is soundproof," He said with a light chuckle. He walked down another set of stairs to a darker area, probably a basement. He unlocked the door and put me inside the room. The room smelled of dust and mothballs.

"Girls, this one needs to learn manners. Welcome your new sister, " he said while leaving and locking the door.

I got up and ran to the door, trying to open it. When it didn't budge I kicked it as hard as I could.

"There's no point in doing that." said a voice from behind me. I turned to see a girl in a blue and beige dress, just like mine. Her eyes and hair looked exactly like mine. She was identical to me, and it was starting to creep me out.

"Woah! who are you? why do we look so much alike." I said while staring at her.

"I'm Lucille, but He calls me Violet. Well, he calls all of us Violet." I stared at her cautiously.

"Come on you should meet the others," she said while holding her hand out towards me.

She led me to a room connected to the one we stood in. As we entered the other room I noticed the similarities. Both rooms were gray and had no windows. I saw two other girl's that looked alike. Why do we all have the same features?

"This is the new Violet," said Lucille.

"Don't call me that. My name is Savannah." I snapped.

"Okay, Savannah." She said sympathetically. " This is Cici and Ashlynn," said Lucille.
     Cici looked to be my age while Ashlynn looks younger. Ashlynn was probably 19 years old.

"I have been here for two years now," she said. Why doesn't she try to escape? Why haven't any of them tried?

"Have you tried leaving? I want to leave." I screamed while kicking the door.

"Trust me, we tried. It only makes him angrier and its best not to do that, " said Cici softly.

"So, we're stuck here. We are stuck with a psycho who will probably kill us at one point. That's freaking amazing. Just freaking great." I said with anger evident in my voice.

"He isn't going to hurt us, Savannah. He loves us," said Ashlynn. Is this girl serious?

"Ignore her. She's crazy." Said Cici.

"Cici, don't be rude, she isn't crazy." scolded Lucille.

"She is, she thinks he loves us, but he doesn't. He doesn't love us he kidnapped us." Said Cici as she walked into the other room.

" Cici hates it here just like you and I, but Ashlynn thinks he saved her," said Lucille softly.

"Why?" I asked.

" I don't know," replied Lucille.

We heard loud footsteps approaching, and the door opened. He looked at us and smiled, causing his stupid beautiful face to light up.

"Stay calm," whispered Lucille in my ear. He stood in front of us, his tall frame looming over us.

    He looked intimidating as he stood there wearing a neat black suit. How can he look so normal, but hide such a huge secret.

" You look gorgeous Violet," He said to me while grabbing a strand of my hair. Fear immediately washed over me.

"All of you are beautiful." He said out loud.

"But you're my favorite," he whispered in my ear. I felt a lump rise in my throat.

"I'm going to work now. Be good, I will be watching you. I'll bring you all food. Bye, beautiful," He said and left while locking the door.

    I immediately ran to the bathroom and threw up. Lucille followed after me and held my hair back. I laid on the floor with my head in Lucille's lap. She began to caress my hair trying to calm me down.

"Everything will be alright. We will survive this together," Said Lucille before I passed out.

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