Chapter 4

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Savannah's P.O.V
I woke up on a bed in a white room. It was the same white room I was in when he brought me to this hell. I opened my eyes and saw someone in the corner of the room. I sat up hoping it was Lucille. I immediately laid back down when I saw Him. I closed my eyes and faked being asleep. I felt his body hover over me, and he brushed my hair away from my face.

"I know your awake Violet. Don't mess with me. Open your eyes," he demanded. I opened my eyes not wanting to make him angry.

"Your so beautiful Violet. You had me worried baby. I saw you throwing up from the camera in the bathroom, so I came right away," he said.

Oh my god, this physco has a camera in the bathroom. I need to get out of here!!

"Here," he said while handing me a cup with water.

I grabbed it and drank it slowly.

"That's good baby. Drink it all," he said while playing with my hair.

I shivered at his touch. I want to be far away from him. I do not want to be with him or in this place.

"Are you hungry Violet? I'll get you something to eat," he said before getting up and leaving the room.

I got up carefully and walked towards the door. I turned the door knob and was ecstatic when it opened. I walked out of the room carefully and walked through the hallway.
I heard his heavy footsteps coming up the stairs, so I ran back to the room. I stood in front of the door and grabbed the door knob. I was about to open the door until his voice stopped me.

"Violet, where are you going!" He screamed making me freeze.

Jackie's P.O.V
I moaned as he kissed my neck.I slipped my hand under his shirt about to lift it up.

"We should stop," said Luke.

"Why? We just started," I told him while trying to take his shirt off. He pushed me away from him.

"We have to stop Jackie. Savannah is my girlfriend and your best friend," he said.

Ugh, why did he have to mention her.

"She is missing, which means we could do whatever we want," I said while kissing him.

"No Jackie, this is wrong. We should be looking for Savannah. I miss her,"

Ugh, that's just what I needed. Savannah ruins everything even when she isn't here.

"She probably ran away. She will be back. Now focus on me," I said while successfully taking his shirt off.

I hope Savannah never comes back.

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