Chapter 8

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Savanah's P.O.V

   I hugged my knees to my chest. This bastard broke me. He took the two things I had left, my virginity and my sanity.

"That was great baby," he said while kissing my forehead.

     I shivered at his touch while the tears fell faster.

"Round 2," he said while kissing my neck.

   Another scream sounded throughout the house. This time the scream was closer to us. He looked angry, and he picked me up bridal style.

"Lets go meet your new sister," he said.

New sister? No, this sick bastard did take someone else. He walked in to a room and I saw a girl tied to a bed. He approached her and untied her. She started screaming, and he slapped forcefully. He grabbed her hair in one hand while carrying me in the other. She screamed as he dragged her to the basement. He unlocked the door and threw her in. He walked in and laid me on a bed. At least he is chivalrous, kind of. What am I saying? He is freaking physcotic!!!

"I expect you to let the new one know her place," he said while leaving.

   I curled up in a ball, and let the tears run freely. Lucille, Cici, and Ashlynn came to me. Lucille hugged me and rubbed my back.

"I don't know why your crying. Your lucky Savanah, he made love to you," said Ashlynn.

Is she serious? She is just as crazy as him.

"He didn't make love to me. He raped me," I said with venom in each word.

I sat up in the bed and faced her.

"It's not rape if you like it," she said.

"Are you serious? I didn't like it. You might be stupid enough to be fine with all of this, but...." she cut me off by slapping me.

"I won't let you disrespect him like that," she said.

I jumped off of the bed about to punch her, but Lucille and Cici held me back.

"Let me go. Maybe I can knock some sense in to her," I said struggling to get out of there grasp.

"It's not my fault your ungrateful," she said.

"I have heard enough!" Boomed his voice.

I turned to see him standing by the doorway. He is probably going to kill me now. Oh well, I will be better off in heaven then in this hell.

"She was bad mouthing you," said Ashlynn while walking to him.

She tried to hug him, but he pushed her to the floor.

"Why did you do that?" She whined.

"You can't disrespect her," he said.

"But she..." she started to say but he cut her off.

"I don't care what she said. I wont let you disrespect her," he said.

"Why are you defending her?" She screamed.

I thought she would have gotten the hint to shut up already. He stayed silent as he grabbed her hair. He yanked her up and held her wrist tightly behind her back. He pushed her out of the room without a word to the rest of us. I fell to the floor crying. I lost hope of leaving here. The only way I'm leaving here is in a body bag.

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