Episode 4

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We back up a bit to see that when Young-ho drove Joo-eun home, he'd asked if she was surprised about her hypothyroidism. Her stunned expression proves she didn't have a clue. It's the reason she can't lose weight, and also the reason she keeps passing out when she's stressed.

A bit down to hear it, Joo-eun takes the blame for not finding out sooner, and thanks Young-ho for all his help. She gets out of the car to walk to her apartment, but Young-ho gets out to stop her, deciding to do this thing right. He starts by telling Joo-eun the truth about himself: "I'm John Kim."

He tells the shocked Joo-eun that her hypothyroidism is why she hasn't lost weight despite the exercise, confessing that they've been having her do the same training as UFC athletes. Joo-eun is so furious she grabs Young-ho by the lapels, asking how he dare lie to a lawyer. And ha, he grabs her lapels right back, but it's not to yell at her — apparently her bare cleavage is a little too close for comfort.

Young-ho admits to being surprised that she fell for their tricks, saying that he can't understand her. Joo-eun fires back that it's because she wanted results so desperately, and she wanted to trust the men. Before she explodes, she suggests they decide whether to work this out legally, or through their emotions.

As Joo-eun storms off, we flash back to Young-ho watching over her at the hospital, when her doctor had told him about her hypothyroidism. It seems to hit Young-ho hard, and he suddenly feels terrible for all the times he pushed her to exercise harder, probably contributing to her collapse. As she sleeps, she snores, and Young-ho gently turns her head to make her more comfortable. He shakes his head, pretending annoyance, but his eyes are so soft as he watches her sleep.

We also see that Woo-shik had come to the hospital — that's where he was rushing when Soo-jin called him. He'd asked if Young-ho was Joo-eun's guardian, and I love Young-ho's answer: "Probably more than you." When Woo-shik asks his relationship to Joo-eun, Young-ho says that he keeps saving her, but he doesn't know yet if it's coincidence or fate.

Woo-shik bristles, saying that he has the right to be concerned about her, but he wants to ask Young-ho for a favor. We don't hear what it is, but when Young-ho drives home, it seems to weigh heavily on him. He recalls Joo-eun's texts to "John Kim" saying she'll believe she can do this since he believes, and how she'd barked at him that she believed their ultra-difficult workouts were for real because she wanted to trust them.

Soo-jin drinks alone, waiting for Woo-shik and taking teensy nibbles of the fruit at her table. Yet another flashback shows us that she also went to the hospital and saw Woo-shik and Young-ho talking over Joo-eun's bed. She laugh-cries to herself that even in her state, men still flock to Joo-eun.

When Woo-shik joins her, he tells Soo-jin that he went to see Joo-eun, but her guardian was there. Soo-jin noticed that he seems upset by that, though he stammers that of course he was grateful. In a thoughtful mood, Woo-shik says out of nowhere that he thinks, if he were to get married then divorced, that he wouldn't be able to remarry because he'd feel bad.

Soo-jin thanks him for telling her, and muses to herself that she's the worse bitch on the planet. Rather than disagreeing, Woo-shik says that he knows how she feels, because he feels like the worst bastard on the planet — to her.

Joo-eun invites Hyun-woo over, and cries about her hypothyroidism. Hyun-woo assures her that it's not the end of the world, and that surely something good can come of this discovery. In the mood to complain, Joo-eun whines again that her little brother is getting married, and that he asked her to pay for the wedding. Thank goodness, she told him no way.

Joo-eun notices that her pot of poinsettias has moved again — it seems to be in a different place every time she comes home. Hyun-woo swears she hasn't been moving it, but gets distracted when Joo-eun starts to snore, hee.

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