Episode 11

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In Uncle's office, Uncle tells Woo-shik that it's best to grab your opportunities as soon as they present themselves. Woo-shik calls PD Go with a short, decisive message, "Broadcast it."

So when Young-ho pulls up to his villa, the paparazzi are already screaming about the leak that he's John Kim. Manager Min drives them away quickly, leaving the minions to do damage control.

Grandma also gets the news, as well as Young-ho's father, while Young-ho stops on his favorite bridge for a moment to think. There are sure to be articles on the scandal tomorrow, and he knows that the truth won't enter into it much. Min agrees that people care more about knowing details than facts, and the "truth" will become something very different from reality.

Min suggests that Young-ho go to ground for a few days, so Young-ho shows up at Joo-eun's place looking weary. He tells her that he didn't want to go home because of all the reporters, and she invites him to stay with her, in "a place outside your world," echoing his words when they first met. She hugs him, and he relaxes into her like he's finally home.

Young-ho sits on Joo-eun's bed and notices how sexy she looks in her dress, and I love how she's all You're not the only one who can be sexy. But it's obvious his leg is paining him, so Joo-eun urges him to sleep now and worry tomorrow. He complies, but not without a final flirtatious comment and a request for a dimple-pop from Joo-eun.

Once she leaves the room, he succumbs to his pain, groaning in agony. Joo-eun knows he's suffering, but she gives him his privacy, remembering that Young-ho explained that the pain is all psychological. She calls Joon-sung to tell him where Young-ho is tonight, and when Joon-sung asks about Young-ho's knee (he knows him well enough to know this stress would cause a flare), Joo-eun starts to cry.

Joon-sung advises that she pretend not to know — it hurts Young-ho even more when the ones he loves are in pain. By now Joon-sung is also fighting tears, and admits that Young-ho is like a father to him. Joo-eun says he's awfully precious to her too, and they agree to take good care of him.

We see now why Joon-sung is so devoted to Young-ho — they met when Joon-sung had gotten on the wrong side of some thugs and had been shot and badly beaten, and Young-ho had happened to drive by and see him bleeding in the street. He'd stopped to help Joon-sung, and he'd taken him in and told him to call him "hyung." Even when Joon-sung had cursed and screamed at him, Young-ho stayed calm and explained that he had a weakness for people in danger. He'd saved Joon-sung's life and given him direction.

Overcome by the memories, Joon-sung lies down for a moment, and wakes to find Yi-jin lying beside him. Today he just sighs and asks her to leave him alone, but she says that she'll just stay here quietly. Joon-sung sighs again, but lets her stay, and she seems to understand that simple company is what he needs.

In the morning when Young-ho emerges from Joo-eun's room, he finds Ji-woong and Joon-sung in her living room, pretending that they're not waiting to see him, not at all. And then they totally throw Joo-eun under the bus, tattling that she told them to act like nothing was wrong, ha.

She makes the boys an unhealthy breakfast which they practically snatch off the spoon, but they're impressed when she's the one who suggests they go work out together next. She takes them to the park and makes them wear visors over their faces (ha, just a glare from her makes even Young-ho obey her orders), and leads them in a climbing exercise with a group of ajummas. It gets even funnier when the ajummas start barking orders at the guys, too.

They're attacked by the ajummas weilding some sort of massage tool, which they rub into the guys' stomachs to help with digestion. Joo-eun goes after Young-ho's abs herself, throwing his own words back at him, and saying that his abs are hers and he can't say no (Young-ho: "Are you going to take responsibility for my abs?" Is that a trick question, sir?).

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