Episode 6

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Joo-eun gets all worked up over Anna Sue and Young-ho's scandal (since he's let her think he's gone to the US to see her), but starts her workout faithfully. He arrives home in the middle of a balancing exercise, making her tip over and knock both of them to the floor. Young-ho sees Joo-eun's noticeably thinner face, and her dimple winks at him, mesmerizing him instantly.

He ignores her complaints and smiles in wonderment, poking a finger into her dimple. He's so utterly charmed that her grumpiness flies right over his head. Flustered, Joo-eun puts her glasses back on, and Young-ho ruins the mood by pointing out that people lose weight from the top down, and her tummy hasn't changed. Ugh, stop while you're ahead.

But Young-ho is in a great mood, and admits that it's nice to hear her voice in person again. Joo-eun asks about his trip "to the States," and Young-ho vaguely says that he experienced a moment he's been waiting for for a long time. At that, Joo-eun screams in his face, "You bastard, get over here!" HA, she means her stuffed sloth, who she's named You Bastard.

After beating the crud out of You Bastard, Joo-eun is still angry over Young-ho's comment that he had a moment he's been waiting for while he was gone. Thinking he was with Anna Sue, she assumes they had a sexy night together, and laughs wryly to herself. She finds Young-ho glaring suspiciously at a snack she left out for him, muttering that she regrets making it, when he says he doesn't eat carbs or sodium.

Joo-eun argues that home-cooked meals are warm and comforting, with lots of flavor, grumbling that it's no good to be so sexy when he lives a bland life. He ignores her, more curious about the meal cover she used to keep the food fresh, and she asks if his mother never used such a thing. Sadly, he says he's never seen one before.

Joo-eun wanders off saying she's going to get a massage, and Young-ho says massages are best from a man. But then he imagines Joo-eun, moaning ecstatically while getting a sexy massage from a muscle-bound masseur (holy crap that guy is huge), and panics a little. He hollers at her not to get a massage, offering to do it himself.

HAHA, and then he just lets her use his massage chair. That's cheating! But he covers her torso with a pillow, saying that the bouncing of her body looks suggestive, and he doesn't want her getting too turned on. Right, I'm sure it's her comfort you're thinking about.

Now Joo-eun is embarrassed, and Young-ho seems to be enjoying her discomfort. She asks him to stop the chair, dropping to banmal, and he pretends offense and leans way over her to chastise her for speaking to her coach that way. He's right on top of her while she bounces underneath him — this is awesome.

In spite of their suggestive position, Joo-eun proposes that they act more like friends from now on. Young-ho asks if she means the kind of friends who kiss, and adjusts the chair vertically, bringing her even closer to himself. Joo-eun's heart starts to pound as she remembers their accidental "kiss" during jiu jitsu practice.

Stepmom brings Grandma tea and offers her a massage, but it's obvious that Grandma prefers to keep her at arm's length. She says that people talk about her as if she cares more about the company than her dead daughter, and that she somehow used her son-in-law by having him marry Stepmom, and she says that it hurts her to know that people think that way. She compliments Stepmom on the way she's raised Young-joon, but warns her not to give him any ideas about inheriting the company.

Ji-woong bounces into bed with Young-ho to welcome him home with an attack-hug, excited to hear that he's gotten a clean bill of health. He chatters about Ma'am and how she wasn't kidding about being Daegu's Venus, and Young-ho admits that her long-unseen dimples are pretty cute.

Joon-sung spends the evening in his car, perking up when he sees an older woman walking past. He recalls someone telling him that "they" refused to met him — is this his birth mother? He sighs and heads home, just missing the woman arriving at her door to find herself confronted with a drunk, abusive husband.

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