Episode 8

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Getting in his car in the morning, Young-ho wilts when his garage door opens to reveal Manager Min with several minions waiting for him. He wants to drive himself to his meeting, but Min insists on driving for him. On the way, Min explains that they've hired this legal team just as a precaution in case word gets out about Young-ho's taking over the company.

Young-ho is more interested in reading and re-reading Joo-eun's text from the night before, thanking him for everything he's done for her. So cute. He texts her that he'll be late today, but that he wants to talk to her about something. She doesn't see that text, as it comes in right as she's entering the meeting room.

Both Young-ho and Joo-eun are shocked and surprised to find themselves at the same meeting, and Joo-eun has to leave to collect herself. She realizes that Young-ho's seemingly-throwaway comments about being rich aren't just jokes. He stops her before she can get on the elevator, and apologizes for surprising her like this.

After gasping for breath and brushing Young-ho's worried hand away, Joo-eun voices her real concern, "You really were someone beyond the limits of my own world." Soo-jin follows them to eavesdrop but Manager Min, bless him, draws her away before she hears anything.

Young-ho pulls Joo-eun into the elevator, calling Min to ask for ten minutes. Joo-eun is upset, and says that he lied, then he tricked her, and now he's betrayed her. Did he think his being the director of Gahong would also intimidate her? Young-ho apologies for lying, and says that he was planning on telling her the truth about himself.

But he points out that he never asked her to marry him or gave her a ring, so why is she acting like this, ready to run away at the first sign of trouble? He wants to just keep on as they were, whether dieting or dating, "...because I've finally gotten a taste of the sweetness that life has to offer." Okay, he's good.

But Joo-eun says that withholding information is the same as lying, when the other person feels deceived. And she doesn't date liars. And like he said, they never made any promises, so she's just overreacting. With that, she heads back to the meeting.

Joo-eun spends the whole meeting ducking her head away from Young-ho's laser-sharp stare, while he barely pays attention to the legal talk. Joo-eun tries to excuse herself from lunch, but Soo-jin tells her to tell the client herself, since they seem close. Young-ho wants to talk some more, but Joo-eun leaves instead. It's only after she gets in her car that she sees Young-ho's text that he'd wanted to talk about something with her.

 It's only after she gets in her car that she sees Young-ho's text that he'd wanted to talk about something with her

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After wrapping things up, Young-ho leaves alone, asking Manager Min not to follow him this time. Joo-eun's not at his place, so he calls her but she doesn't answer. He calls Ji-woong, and luckily Joon-sung knows that Joo-eun was planning to go home to Daegu today. Young-ho sits silently for a while, remembering the times that Joo-eun mentioned how she hates being deceived. His knee pains him, and he says sadly that he's being punished.

Joon-sung does the photo shoot with Yi-jin, who uses the opportunity to get as close to him as she can. Ha, even her manager looks embarrassed. She bribes Ji-woong into leaving her alone with Joon-sung (seriously, if I were him I'd be furious by now... he's got the patience of a saint) and then recites So Ji-sub's famous dialogue from I'm Sorry, I Love You that's basically a roundabout way of asking him out.

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