Chapter 27 (edited)

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~ Rosabelle ~

"You need to widen your stance and bend your knees a little to that you will be more balanced." Brett's voice coaxed while I tried to focus on my training. I growled lowly as he managed to place another kick so that I crumpled to the grass, again. This was the tenth time today. I'd managed to convince Brett to train with me two weeks ago so that I could learn some self-defense and be a useful member of the pack. My brother didn't like it very much but after the first training session, he'd been banned for snapping at Brett about flirting with me. I rolled my eyes groaning as I got up for the tenth time. "Do you see what I mean?" Brett's smug grin did nothing to improve my sour mood.

"Fine, I'll admit there may be something to what you're saying." I rolled my shoulders back and readied myself again for another attack. "Let's go again." I bounced on the balls of my feet waiting for him to make the first move.

"Are you sure?" His eyes showed considerable concern. "We've been practicing every day for two hours."

"Let's go again," I growled more demanding than before. "And this time don't hold back," I stated as I swiped at him narrowly missing his jaw with my punch. Steadying myself and taking his advice I widened my stance more redistributing the weight of my body. He nodded approvingly and also readied himself once more. He mock jabbed for my face forcing my arms to come up and then laid a left hook into my stomach knocking me back off balance. From there Brett quickly laid me out again with a series of well-placed jabs and a swift kick to the back of my knees. On the ground, I released a snarl of frustration knowing I needed to be better to beat any attackers I faced.

"You know, hand to hand may not be your style. Especially if you're planning on taking on much larger opponents." Brett's hand came into my line of vision and held a cold bottle of water. I took it resting on my elbows so I could chug nearly the whole thing. I shook my head when I was done and looked at him where he'd taken a seat next to me.

"I have to be able to successfully defend myself, no matter the situation." He frowned turning to look at me.

"Why?" I couldn't explain it to him, he wouldn't get it.

"Because that's what a good shifter does," I answered instead avoiding his gaze.

"Well, it's possible you'd be better off in wolf form for fighting." Again I shook my head.

"No, that's not an option." My vehement protests didn't go unnoticed but thankfully unlike any female, I could have trained with he didn't press the situation.

"Wel,l at any rate, I think that's enough for today." For once I agreed, flopping back on the grass with a sigh. He sat for a moment and then got up holding out a hand to me. With a groan, I took it and sat up using his help to get off the ground. On my feet once more I walked with him to the pack house, in relative silence.

Inside I went up to my room where Balto slept on the foot of my bed. Patting his head I took some clothes and jumped in the shower washing off the sweat and dirt from my many falls, unfortunately in doing so I uncovered bruises both new and old. It'd been almost three weeks since I walked away from my mate and the bruises covering my body didn't ache nearly as much as my heart did when I wondered what he was doing, where he was etc. Closing my eyes I fought off the pain. Keeping busy during the day was easy enough when I killed a few hours every day on the training ground. Then I usually had to deal with my brother and his insistence that I keep up with the shifting in the house to build my tolerance levels. He'd told me that there was something called a pack run coming up at the end of the month, and he had also said that I should be prepared to participate. I bit my lip. I didn't think that I could ever love the shifter side of myself, even though I was still thoroughly fascinated by wolves. Being a were was harder than it seemed. But then I'd not grown up with it so maybe it was easier and I was overthinking the entire process.

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