Chapter 19 (edited)

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When the door to the room opened again and heavy footsteps sounded I jerked my head up not realizing I'd fallen asleep. What now? Lazily turning my head I flicked a cursory glance at my visitor recognizing Greyson. I growled lowly at him for no reason other than I could. He blinked at me taken aback slightly.

"I'll have you know I'm here to get you down." My growl cut off sharply and Turned my tired gaze upon him.

"It's about damn time." I watched as he reached up and unclasped my left wrist first. "I take it that wasn't the buyer you anticipated," I commented lowly unaware of who else may be around. He flicked a sharp glance in my direction.

"No." I nodded minisculy.

"I figured as much."

"He seems to know something is about to happen because he's got buyers coming in left and right for the next few days." I was surprised that Greyson would tell me any of this information. Maybe he was on my side.

"So what now?" I mimicked the question I'd asked him on my first day here.

"I don't know." The admission left me stunned and I became even more afraid. If Greyson didn't have a plan then there was a possibility for something terrible to happen. Not that there wasn't if he did have a plan, but without one I had a bad feeling stirring in my gut.

"How long have I been here?"

"Three days." I don't know why I needed to know that but I did. It felt important to understand the passage of time especially since I was locked in a room with no windows. Once my wrists were freed I dropped my arms and let the blood flow back into them regaining some feeling. "Come on." He grabbed my upper arm and pulled me from the room taking me through the house back towards the basement. I remained silent knowing that ears and eyes were everywhere.

"Greyson." We stopped at the top of the basement stairs. "Let's see if she learned her lesson shall we?" The sandy-haired bastard smirked and my stomach dropped. The group of men sat around the table in the same manner that they had the first day I came here.

"How do you suggest we do that?" Greyson questioned as he tugged me closer to the group and I didn't have to feign the reluctance I felt as I dragged my feet behind him. I tried to use his body as a shield as much as possible against their lust-filled gazes perusing my body through the thin shift. I struggled to keep the disgust from showing on my face. Greyson's beastly facade slipped into place with ease as he shoved me into the view of every male present.

"Come here, darling." Every nerve in my being screamed at me to run as far and fast as I could. Against my very core, I took a shaky step towards him under the watchful eyes of the men. My eyes momentarily scanned the room for the female from before she was nowhere in sight. Slowly I walked towards him stopping just out of arm's reach. He studied me intensely like I was a bug under a microscope. I shifted uncomfortable and he smirked at me with a knowing look. What do you want with me? Still so many questions unanswered. The most important question was making my heart hammer in my chest right now. What were they going to do to me, right now? My gaze cast around the room of dangerous men who easily overpowered me. It landed back on the one currently standing in front of me and all I could think was please don't let them rape me. It was slowly becoming more and more a reality the longer I was here, the man in the room today would have if he hadn't been interrupted I'm sure. If I hadn't already made a vow to not speak I wouldn't have been able to anyway as fear coated the inside of my mouth and made it drier than the desert. After it played around in there for a while the fear snaked down my throat, making it hurt and then swirling down into my stomach coiling there like a snake in wait. There was a snake sitting in my stomach and a beast standing in front of me.

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