Chapter 23 (edited)

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~ Rosabelle ~

I knocked before entering my brother's pack house. I was surprised to find the place was nearly silent, given that it usually housed many wolves at various stages in life.

"Robert!" I called softly from the entry before wandering up towards his office. The silence gave me mild anxiety, more than I ever had before... everything. I opened the door to his study more panicked having found it empty. The disarray wasn't alarming since that was his modus operandi. But the silence combined with his lack of presence was. I went back downstairs and walked further into the house towards the kitchen at the back. Getting closer I started to hear the sounds of children screaming and laughing along with adults talking. I walked into the kitchen and saw an alarming pile of dishes floating over every surface of counter and the smell of barbecued foods began to filter in. Flashbacks of the feast laid out on a long table surrounded by men assaulted my brain. I took a stuttering step back as though the images had physically attacked me. I moaned closing my eyes to make them go away. If I couldn't see anything then my brain couldn't be stimulated to attack me with memories. I threw my hands out gripping onto the first solid thing they came into contact with. The memory of his voice and the torture of being that close to food without feeling any semblance of hunger as I was forced to watch the men feast like the animals they were continued to assault me. I needed out. With eyes tightly closed I turned around and felt with fingertips for the doorway. I couldn't find it and panic made my throat close. Scouring the wall by touch alone I breathed in staggering pants of fear. The happy and jovial voices crowded around me in a cloying way that made me want to curl into a ball against the counter and cover my ears with my hands. I longed for the silence. The voices came closer and I swore I felt hands touch me, I struggled under their imaginary grip as more and more called my name. The continued yelling started a ringing in my ears until I shut down and sagged against the wall. Sliding down it I brought knees to my chest and hid my face in my hands before shielding my ears against cries. Then I shoved my face into the gap between my chest and knees. The cover of my hands over my ears created an underwater effect where I could still hear the voices but they were muffled. No longer able to understand what they were saying I forced myself to breathe deeply and only hear the thundering of my breaths and heartbeat. Strong hands gripped my shoulders and one loud angry voice could be distinguished over the sounds of other muffled voices. I shook my head trying to push them away. Hands gripped my hands pulling them away from my ears and a loud male voice bombarded my ears.

"Open your eyes" The familiar husky timbre ordered. Just go away. I demanded of the voices in my head. "Everyone calm down." The incessant talking stopped. I breathed easily and slowly my eyes opened. My older brother was crouching in front of my prone body. I threw myself into his embrace seeking warmth and reality. He easily lifted my smaller body up and sat on the floor hugging me against him. "It's okay, it's okay, shh it's okay." I hiccupped with my face mushed into the space between his shoulder and neck. He continued to shush me low and soothingly until my frame sagged against his and the present outranked the memories. I felt him shift and then his low voice began to talk to someone else. Realizing who he was calling I swiped the phone and hung up mid-call.

"You can't tell him," I whispered holding the phone out so that he couldn't grab it back.

"He's your mate you need him right now." His no-nonsense alpha tone came out as he tried to reach his phone.

"He doesn't need to know." I insisted pushing off of him and regaining a standing position. I leaned against the wall as a blood rush hit me when I stood too fast. Pressing a hand against my forehead I fought off the darkness pulling the edges of my vision.

"Rose..." He paused. "How much sleep do you get?"

"Enough. I'm fine." I stood from the wall and meeting his eyes raised my chin as though to prove my words.

Kidnapped By Mistake (COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora