Chapter 11 (edited)

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"Hey, so I have one little thing that I forgot to mention my mom wants to have a little party tomorrow night and we're invited." I cringed. He noticed. "Okay, that is the second time that when I've mentioned my family you've cringed, what is going on?" I shrugged and looked down at Luna, tracing her red and white markings with my eyes. "Rosabelle."

"I just...I don't know. I guess I just don't have a lot of experience meeting the parents." I explained.

"They are just parents, not gods."

"I know but they're your parents and if they don't like me what happens?"

"That's impossible they'll love you." He came closer but I held up a hand.

"Just humor me. If they don't like me what happens?"

"Nothing happens. They will learn to like you." He moved closer to me taking my upturned hand in his and pulling me to him. "Why do you care so much if they like you?"

"It's just that we've moved so fast with everything and I don't even know who I am... what I am? As a person anymore."

"So tell me about it." I pulled away picking up the empty dog licked water dish putting it in the sink and rinsing it with water multiple times until I couldn't ignore him any longer.

"Everything I knew about myself is a lie. I was normal two days ago, I was in my final semester of my final year of high school and I was like every other eighteen-year-old." I turned to look at him. "I was normal."

"Fundamentally you are still you," Troy said his eyes searching mine.

"But now I know that I'm part of this whole other community, more like a secret society and I have this whole other side to myself that I never knew existed." I waved my hands in the air as I talked. He took them and held them close to his chest.

"So you've gained a new perspective. That's what happens in life. People continually learn new things about themselves and others."

"I don't know. I just feel so blindsided by this." I looked up at the ceiling as though searching it for answers. Luna nudged my knee with her nose as though giving her support. I looked down at her. "I just need to think about it some more."

"I think you've had too much time to think." He crowded me against the sink. "You've spent too much time in your head. Let me take you out of it for a while. Come." He pulled me towards the front door. Outside he sat on the porch swing and pulled me down into his lap. He rested his chin on my head and I leaned my cheek against his chest. The sunset was beautiful but I couldn't focus on that. I continued to think about how angry I was with my brother and how tired that continual anger was making me. I closed my eyes seeing the red behind my eyelids. It only succeeded in pushing my thoughts to the forefront of my mind and producing a muted version of the beginnings of a headache. I opened my eyes hoping to not produce a headache by not focusing on it.

"How exactly is this supposed to help me?" I blurted taking a deep breath. He pulled in a deep breath and ran his hand over my thigh. That motion sent shivers up and down my body, centering on my thigh.

"I was hoping that you would be able to focus on sensation instead of your thoughts."

"Focus on sensation..." I closed my eyes focusing on where our bodies pressed together. I moved my cheek against the soft fabric of his cotton shirt focusing on the warmth of his body heat seeping through. Then I let my attention center on his hand lightly caressing my thigh, spanning from my hip to my knee and back again. Opening my eyes once more I let out a breath on a sigh and watched the sunset feeling more at ease.

"See much better." He obviously could feel my body relaxing against his and sinking in. He kissed the top of my head rocking the swing gently. As we swung back and forth I enjoyed the sounds of birds singing and then the dog jumped up on the swing licking my face and breaking the moment as I giggled pushing her away. "Nonnie down," Troy ordered pushing her away with his free hand and I turned a shocked face towards him.

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