Chapter 5 (edited)

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When we walked in I knew that something was different right off the bat. I looked around my gaze finally landing on the back booths. There. He was there again. Only this time his gaze connected with mine and I stopped moving feeling that strange fluttering in my stomach again.

"Rosabelle, hello? What's going on?" The girls tried to grab my attention.

"Nothing," I answered keeping my gaze on him. I knew from the conversation yesterday between him and my brother that he could give me the answers I needed. "I'll be right back." I strode towards his booth, surprised to find him sitting alone.

"Are you going to tell me to leave again?" The low timbre of his voice pulled at my nerves just the right way. Goosebumps dotted my arms and sent a shiver skittering down my spine.

"No, I actually have some questions for you." I raised a brow waiting for his response.

"By all means, please sit." He gestured to the spot beside him. I was bold but not stupid so I took the seat across the table from him instead. Once I was seated I looked up finding his curious gaze on me. "What do you need to know?"

"Everything." I glanced up to see no one around us. "Yesterday my brother said something that I need answered."

"He said a lot of things, the main point being stay away from you." I huffed a soft laugh.

"Yeah, he says that a lot." I folded my arms on the table. "But what I really wanna know is what he mentioned last, there's something about me that I don't know, what is it?" I scrutinized his expression waiting for a reaction. His face, however, remained impassive apart from the shock that momentarily flashed through his eyes.

"Did you ask him?" My brows raised as I addressed him.

"Obviously, and if he'd told me what I needed to know I wouldn't be here now."

"Maybe you should wait for him to answer." Obviously, this was getting me nowhere so I'd have to drop it for now.

"Fine, but I have a follow-up question."

"Shoot." I could've sworn that a look of relief flashed through his eyes.

"You said I was your 'mate'. What is that?" His eyes darkened and then returned to their normal green. Strange.

"You should go back to your friends." He offered and I'm sure my eyes flashed with the anger that I felt having got no answers.

"Why?" The simple question raised the tension simmering in the air between us another notch. He remained silent, watching me. Gauging my reaction.

"I want to show you something." I blinked at the sudden change of subject and before I could think I'd agreed.

"Okay." I breathed and I swore the flutter in my stomach would never go away as it only intensified. His eyes flashed and he stood up holding a hand out to me. I only hesitated for a moment before taking it and sliding out of the booth. He held my much smaller hand for the entire walk out of the busy diner, past the confused and alarmed looks my friends gave him and I together, and out onto the street. He led me towards a silver SUV crossover with tinted windows opening my door for me like a gentleman. Gentleman, the word just didn't suit him looking so wild and rugged. I didn't get in right away instead turning to look at him. "You're not taking me to the woods to kill me or anything, are you? Because I should warn you if you thought my brother was bad before just you wait." He laughed the sound a rich baritone rumbling from his chest.

"We met in the woods remember? If I had plans to kill you I probably could have by now."

"That's fair." I still didn't get in the car.

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