Chapter 13

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"Hyung! It's not what you think," Chen said.

"You guys took my car and used it help move Myung-Hee."

"That's exactly what happened," Chen said.

"At least ask me next time!" 

"My apologies Hyung," Kai said. 

"I forgive you guys, let's start moving Myung-Hee into her room now so we have time to do whatever." Suho grabbed a box and walked over to the elevator. "Someone hold te door so we can put multiple boxes in here." Kai ran to the elevator to hold the door.

"Typical maknae," Chen laughed.

     "Finally! Done!" Chanyeol gasped as he put the last box down.

"Well, you are officially moved in! You're lucky to have your own room, we all have to share one except for Xiumin Hyung," Chen said.

"We'll leave you to unpack. Call us if you need us!" Suho said.

"Hey! Speaking of calling, give me your number." Chanyeol said. 

"Yeah! I need your number too!" Kai said. Grey gave them hers and she got theirs. Grey put Chanyeol as  "Derpy Reaction King" and Kai as "Kim JongOut"

     A couple of days later, Grey was hanging out with Kai. They have become pretty close over the past few days, and they have been hanging out more, outside of practice. They didn't have any attraction towards each other, they just liked each other as a friend. Grey had gotten to know each of the members better since she moved in. They have also become more comfortable towards her too. Finally, it was one day until Grey's debut. All of the members helped calm her nerves. As she laid down in her bed, her mind was going through all of the possible scenarios. Just calm down Myung-Hee, you have been working for this moment for 3 years. Just relax...

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