Chapter 6

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"And here we are!" Key said.

"Oh my gosh Key! Thank you so much!"

"Haha! No problem! Just, don't try to stalk them too much, okay?"

"Ugh! No matter what I say, you won't believe me. Just you wait!"

"I'll believe you when Suho goes bankrupt! I gotta go! Bye!"

     Myung-Hee walked into the practice room. "Are you Grey?"

"Yes, and you are?"

"You can call me Kasper, I choreograph most of Exo's dances. If you don't mind, could you show me what you know in Exo dances?"

"R-right now?"

"Yep! Why don't you try the chorus of Growl. I can play it on the speakers." And with that, he walked over to the speakers and plugged his phone into them. "Okay, ready? Set. Go!" and with that, the last line before the chorus came on. Grey danced to it without having to think about it. She just has the kind of talent that Key has, she can just watch the dance a few times, and then memorise and then copy the dance. "Wow! That was really good! Now try Call Me Baby!" Once again, she just danced automatically. She even changed the pelvic thrust to a more, girly move. She didn't want to be all girly like all of the other girls, but she drew the line at the point where she does boy based choreography. They continued for a while. Grey danced to Wolf, MAMA, History, Overdose, and Love Me Right.

     "Wow! It looks like you have a real talent for dancing!"

"Yeah, I loved to dance and sing when I was little, I took dance lessons in America."

"It looks like we have a bit more time before I have to go somewhere, I have one question for you."

"What is it?"

"Can you freestyle?"


Hey! I got my hands on a computer, so I can now update more than before! I was typing everything on a tiny phone keyboard for a while... So now I can type faster and put out more chapters! Yay!

     We need to talk. I need to sit down you guys and have a serious chat. One word, Lotto. I don't know why everyone is dissing on it! I honestly don't really care if they used autotune or not! I think that it fit the song really well. I think I prefer the Chinese version though. Let me just say, SEHUN GOT A SOLO DANCE! I REPEAT, SEHUN GOT A SOLO DANCE!!! I mean, I'm sad that Kai was injured and couldn't dance, but I have to admit, Sehun slayed it. My sister was sitting next to me when I watched the MV, I think I permanently damaged her eardrums from my fangirl screaming. I broke sound barriers when I saw it for the first time... I also really like Can't Bring Me Down.

     I'm thinking of asking in the future for requests for "Personalized FanFics" I'll pick one person from the comment section and ask them who they want the short fanfic to be about (doing Exo fanfics of course) and what they want the main character (symbolizing that person) to be named. Like I said, I'm might be doing it in the future, so go ahead and let me know if you guys would like to see that!

     I know that this is pretty long, so I'll wrap this up. Thank you guys so much! I know I'm still getting the hang of this whole "Exo Fanfic" but I would love your guys feedback! Once again, thank you so so so so so much! Stay cool, and always, Yehet!

"Don't be afraid, lub is the way!"

                                        -Kim Jongdae

"Dat's right, my type."

                           -Oh Sehun

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