you goat to be kidding

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She had a black drees it was torn up at the bottom of it, showing her legs. She stared at you with Insanity in her eyes.

"Hello my child, you must be new to the ruins. You must be terribly confused, if you seek guidance come follow me, I'll lead you to my house it lies at the end of the ruins." she said.

"Umm... I'll kechup with you." you say not so sure.

"Ok... My child."she said worried.

"this is not good," flowey said worried as she walked off.

"Why? She seemed nice."

"because she's the murder of the ruins, she wasn't like this long ago. But I guess living down here by yourself for such a long time cost her to become insane... That and some other things" flowey said sadly.

"Mmm?" you ask.

"It's nothing, it's just that she bakes humans in the pies and eats them... So just be careful okay?" he asked.

You and flowey continued on. You two saw the old woman standing in front of the Little House in the ruins.

"Come in coming in, I made some pie for you," she said with a Sinister smile.

When you got inside you decided not to eat toriel's pie, because the scent of blood was lingering from it. You went to the living room where she was reading a book.

"Umm mo- I mean toriel?"

"what were you just about to call me my child?"

"Um... Mom?" She ready to fire balls in each hand preparing to throw them at you. You ran into the basement, she followed quickly behind you grab the butterfly knife out of your bag.

"wait! please don't k-kill her. Listen she's my mom the reason why she's like this, the reason why she's here... Is because of me please don't make her suffer anymore." he said sincerely.

"Ok!" you say just in time as she turned the corner.

When encounter a fight with toriel. She was standing right in front of.  The insanely fired up her eyes. You didn't want to fight her but you had to, you went up to her I'm stabbed her but not too hard to killer. Her HP dropped a little. Flowey begin to cry.

"My child why are you not scared of me!?! WHY!?!" She screams crying

You walked up to her showing your hand, "sorry I didn't want to fight. You seem so nice, but then you attacked me... I never had a real mother before... Not one that didn't beat me all the time. But you seem loving, you gave me a room, you give me something to eat. I don't know why... But I considered you a mom, and I-I went to go call you it but I didn't know if you had any children of your own. Now I understand if you don't want me to call you mom or to just leave all together." you say to her, not crying just saying it sadly.

"Ok, may I have a hug? My chi-"

You hugged her before she could even finish your sentence. You hugs her tight . You heard... flames?

"why did you trust me so easily?" "because I know that you're a loving caring mother and I know that you will never hurt me. It's okay."

The flame stops and hand droped and she has been sobbing into your shoulder. You patted her back and said it was okay. She told you to not come back.

You said "no way in hell that I'm not coming back too you."

She smile less sinister... The insanity had gone away? She looked happy like what ever happened to her she for got.

"Umm. It might be dark out it's 8:00," you say looking at your phone.

"Ok you may stay the night," she said taking your handn.

*<time skip, provide by laziness>*

You were in the living livingroom the  next day, mom was reading 28 uses for snails cooking addition insted of 28 uses for snails mender addition. She gave you a book to. You dived right in the book, it was called corruption, By W.D Garter. (i'm not that shor if it's going to that important in the future)
Flowey was trying to get your attention.

"I need to see how much life assents I can take with out you passing out."

You were on the author's note of the book. 

"Hu, what did you say? Ho wait, we have to go!" you say surprised by the fact that you forgot.

"Alright here have some pie for the rode... Don't be alarmed it's... It's not like the pie I gave you... Befor, you didn't eat that... Right?" she sound worryed.

"Sorry, no."

"Than goodness!"


"Some.......................................ummmmmm......... Human liver, intestines.................... And Kidneys?" you were almost past out you were so dizzy. You got up not as dizzy grabbed the book and pie and left. Until...

(Underfell!sans X Reader) Corrupted SoulsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon