the fall

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You woke up in darkness and in a patch of yellow flowers. You look down and you were wearing a black and red sweater, shorts combat boots. You also had a necklace with two keys and a locket it in the middle of them. One key looked like a diary key on a ring, and the other key looks like it was a key to a house. You open a locket and saw a picture of you and 5 other kids, not including the baby you were holding. On the other side, it read, family first.

You couldn't remember why or how you were there. So you try to remember, but you couldn't remember anything. You flop back in frustration. You hit your hand on a backpack and look through it hoping that I would bring some kind of memory. In it you saw extra clothes, water, bunch of snack, some drawing books, pencils, iPhone, first aid kit, and a diary that has a lock that looks like it was supposed to be on a storage unit. In the pockets, was a pocket knife and a butterfly knife.

"Cool, I'm armed." you say to yourself while laughing.

You couldn't open the pocket knife for some reason. You examine it. It looked homemade and it had a little Keyhole. You looked at the "diary" key and it would fit! You put it on your thumb, and held it so it was easy to open it. It flung right open and cut you a little.

You got out the first aid kit and wrapped your cut. Thankfully, it wasn't too deep. You decided to open the diary and read some to see if you can remember anything. On the back it said "y/n L/n's return right away or I will murder you with no regrets" you immediately let that form you into a great and total badass.

" that would explain the knives," you say opening the diary.

'dear diary, today's someone's going to take me away from my mom and dad I'm so so happy they always beat me and treat me like I'm nothing. Well I'll wright in you again when I'm at my new home'

Memory start coming back, that it sent shivers down your spine. You decided to continue.

' dear diary, i'm practically invisible here some kids bully me, but I've been able to make some friends though they're really really nice. I'm at an orphanage so people can adopt me and I could have a better home. The nice old lady that works here is sweet she gave me this pretty locket. I don't have a picture for it yet but she said that we could take a picture for it's tomorrow. Well bye

You could remember the old lady and the nice friends you have, you smiled but for some reason you can't help but feel sad. You flip to the next page.

'Dear diary, I stared school, and it suck, one kid was dumb enough to try to steal my phone and try to beat me up. But clearly I won, I leaned that you can't show any kind of emotion, at least it works for me. Well bye"

You remember a lot of other kids that you kick their butts. You continued on.

"Dear diary, today Opal(the old ladie how gave you the locket) past away, 3 of my friends were adopted so I only have two friends, the man how was the replacement for opal is a dick and I got suspended for cursing in school. What kind of bullshit is that? So pretty much worst day of my life everyone to being cruel to me ever since opal die so ya. Bye"

" dear diary, today jeff taught me how to make my own pocket knife and I'm the only one that has to key to open it which is pretty cool I made it myself. He also give me a butterfly knife if it didn't work or something, so yeah that's basically it just wanted to say that. Bye"

"So, I made this? Cool!" you said holding the knife. 

" dear diary, some bitch said the i couldn't make it up Mt Edott and come back. So I'm going to prove her wrong. Right you when I'm there. Bye"

That was end of the Diary entries. You decided to go prove that girl rong. So you got up and walked until you saw...

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