Chapter 2

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A/N: I actually really enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope all of you enjoy it to :) I have a feeling this story is going to be very fun to write.

Also the French spoken in this chapter I got from google translate, so I apologies if it's wrong and blame google not me lol x

Oliver's POV

We both walk into the empty French class and my mischievous mind wonders of all the fun activities that we can get up to this lunch time.

I put my back pack on one of the desks at the front of the class and turned around to face Mr Franceschi. I place my hands on the desk either side of me and discreetly push my body forwards and smile at Mr Franceschi as seductively as I can.

"Where do you want me, sir?" I say with a seductive tone which matches my body language.

His eyes flicker up and down my body just like he did earlier and I couldn't help but get a tingle of excitement shoot through my body at the precise moment. Fuck, he was really hot and he so badly wanted me.

"At the front of the class." He says.

I push myself off from the desk I was leaning on and follow him to the front of the class. I wonder what he had in mind at the front of the class... I bite my lip in anticipation.

"Well, your first act of discipline today is cleaning the black board." He says, handing me the black board eraser.

My seductive mood instantly drops and I give the eraser a dirty look like it's something disgusting as he holds it out to me.

"You're joking right?" I raise an eyebrow.

"No, this is your punishment for being late to my class Oliver."

"It's Oli. And this is bullsh-" He stops me from finishing my sentence by pressing his finger to my lips.

"Nu uh. You wouldn't want that dirty mouth of yours getting you into any more trouble now would you?"

There was a hint of cockiness on his face and that annoyed me. Even more so I hated the fact at how much I liked his finger against my lips. It was a simple touch but it had my teenage hormones going crazy inside of me, screaming to be touched more.

When I don't say anything he teasingly slides his finger slowly down my lips, letting it seductively pull down my bottom lip, allowing his finger to linger there for just a moment. My breath got caught in my throat and he notices causing him to smile smugly.

His finger drops from my lips and I blink a few times to try and register what on earth just happened and I glance up to meet Mr Franceschi's eyes. He was already staring at me with amusement and flirtatious eyes.

My cheeks burn a hot red and I could feel my heart pounding away in my chest despite that my entire body was tingling from head to toe. Fuck, what did he do to me?

"The black board isn't going to clean itself Oliver." He teases.

I frown and swallow hard to shake whatever feeling he had rattle up inside of me. He still had that annoying smug look on his face which pissed me off thinking that he was such a hard man.

Late For French - (Fransykes)Where stories live. Discover now