Hello, Luffy. I'm Your Sister.

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Aoi's POV

"Well, Ace. You certainly made a show." I said as Ace returned from sinking the enemy Barouque Works ships.

"Wow! Who is she?!" I heard Sanji ask.

"Hey, who are you?" Luffy called up to me. I smiled.

"There you are, Aoi. I was beginning to wonder where you got to." Ace said to me. I smiled at him.

"Eh? You know her, Ace?" Luffy asked.

"Yup. Luffy, this is Aoi. The head doctor of the Whitebeard Pirates." Ace said as I jumped down to the deck.

"Aaah! Aoi-chan, my love! You look as beautiful as an exotic flower growing in the darkest forest." Sanji said, going down on one knee before me.

"I mean... I knew he was like this. I guess it's only funny in the anime... In real life, it's uncomfortable... Now I know how litterally every female he talks to feels." I thought. I backed all the way behind Ace.

"Okay, that's not creepy and uncomfortable at all." I said.

"Head doctor?" Chopper asked.

"She's also my partner." Ace said.

"Oh, so you and Ace fight together." Luffy said.

"Uuuuhhhhh....." I said.

"Well... Luffy. You're not completely wrong. But I meant Aoi is my life partner. She's my wife." Ace said. Sanji fell to the deck, crushed.

"What a weird guy..." I said.

"Wife, huh? So does that mean you two are gonna make babies?" Luffy asked. Ace laughed while the rest of the crew and I reacted shocked.

"Just as I thought. Luffy is smarter than everyone gives him credit for." I thought.

"Well... I guess that's one way to think of it." I said. I finally stepped out from behind Ace.

"So, you're Luffy." I said. Luffy grinned.

"Yup!" He said. I smiled at him.

"Well... Hello, Luffy. I'm your sister." I said. Luffy stared at me.

"Oh! Because you're Ace's wife, that makes you my sister! I get it. Cool." Luffy said. Everyone facepalmed.

"I retract my previous thought." I thought.

"Hey... I know you." Chopper said. I looked over at him.

"Back in Drum. Doctorine was treating a patient inside a house. You were running away and you looked at me. You said something like "everything will be okay." Why did you say that?" Chopper asked me.

"Oh, because I saw you joining this crew." I said.

"Huh? Saw me?" Chopper asked.

"Hold on, how could you see Chopper joining us when we hadn't even gotten to Drum yet?" Nami asked me. I smiled at her.

"Well, because I was born in to this world with the unique ability that when I am to become close to someone, then I can see their past and their future as well as their present." I said.

"Really?" Usopp asked.

"It's how I knew where to find Luffy after he got separated from you guys. Aoi saw where he would be and told me where to go." Ace said.

"So you could tell us if we find the One Piece?" Usopp asked. Everyone stared at me.

"Nope." I said. They all stared.

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