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RT_Ninja: welcome back! Let's see how things go for our dear Kirayan.

Aoi: Hey, fuck you!

RT_Ninja: Just do the disclaimer!

Aoi: Ninja doesn't own One Piece, any of it's characters or story. She owns me though. Fair warning, characters may be Out of Character.


Aoi's POV

I swear to god that I did not expect to be on a rock when I woke up. Especially not on a rock in the middle of the fucking ocean.

I sighed and took in my surroundings. The sky was clear and blue, so I assumed it must be around noon. I was still in my long flannel shirt and I was barefoot. I would have assumed I had been kidnapped and left here if not for two reasons.

1.) I lived in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. No oceans just a big lake surrounded by city.

2.) The world around me was animated. Like in One Piece.

"There's no way." I said, shaking the stupid thought from my mind. There was no way in hell I was in One Piece. And if I was, I was dreaming.

"This is totally a dream. Any minute now, Portgas D. Ace, himself will jump on this rock and pronounce his undying love for me and I'll be a badass fighter." I scoffed and lied down on the rock and waited for my claim to come true. I waited... And waited... And waited... And waited some more.

I sat up with a scowl. I looked around not so sure of myself anymore. But, there's no way I could be in One Piece... Right?

"There is no fucking way." I said and waited for the attractive fire-fist to appear. But... Nothing. Ace wasn't appearing anywhere.

I pulled myself up on to my knees and searched around my rock. I could do a lot of things to myself in a dream that most people couldn't do with out waking up. Like dive off a cliff in to the water or trip and fall on my face. But one thing I could never do in a dream with out waking up was draw blood. And it was time for me to wake the fuck up.

I found what I was searching for at long last. It was just under the water on a small ledge. An actual broken piece of glass. It was rather large, curved and sharp, indicating a broken bottle. With a shaky breath, I dragged the glass near the bend of my elbow...

And almost shit myself.

Not only had I just done that, but as I watched my blood drip out on to the rock, I realized.

This was not a fucking dream.

"Oh god... Oh god... Oh god what do I do? I'm in the middle of the ocean in my pajamas and I don't know how to fucking swim! Perfect! Just fucking perfect, Kirayan! Look what you've done!" I cursed myself. I sat on the rock again and pressed my right hand to the cut on my left arm. I was likely to get an infection if someone didn't find me.

"Calm down, Aoi. Think. You cut yourself with the glass from a broken bottle. Either there is shore near by or you are conveniently placed in a place of constant travel." I thought to myself. I cursed myself for never learning how to swim. I then noticed a ship approaching me.

"HEY! OVER HERE! HELP!" I screeched as loud as I could. As the ship got closer, I almost shit myself again.

That wasn't just any passing ship.

It was a marine's ship.

"Fuck."  I thought. I looked around. I had two options here.

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