Lazy Day.

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Aoi's POV

It was a nice day out. Too nice to do work. Everyone was out on deck. It was so nice that the guys had decided to hold little matches.

Little matches that involved who could beat who and loser leaves the circle while winner fights the next person. I watched not far away as Teach and another guy battled it out. Teach kicked the poor guy out of the chalk circle.

"That's three wins to Teach." I stated boardly.

"Aoi-chan, why don't you give it a go?" One of the guys asked.

"Oh, come on guys! I'm not gonna fight Aoi-chan." Teach said. I fought the urge to glare at him.

"He's right, it wouldn't be a fair fight." I said.

"Oh, come on, Aoi-chan. Don't put yourself down like that!" The asshole stated. I rolled my eyes.

"You misinterpreted what I said. I said it wouldn't be a fair fight. It wouldn't be fair because I'm stronger than you. If wipe the floor with you with out breaking a sweat." I said.

"Oooooooh." The guys chorused.

"Oh really?" Teach challeneged.

"Why would I lie?" I asked. The guys cheered me on and encouraged and begged me to fight.

"I might lose control and kill him by accident. Or I could just break his spine. Eh, fuck it, it might be a good way to release stress. Thrash the pig." I thought. I gave in and stood.

"Place your bets, boys." I said. Haruta started taking bets. It seemed that more guys had placed money on me than on Teach.

"Ready? Fight!" Shigeru called. Teach immediately went in for a punch. I smoothly grabbed his arm and flipped myself up and over the man. Shifting my point of gravity, I delivered a direct kick to his spine. Cheers erupted from the guys with money on me. The guys that put a good thousand on Teach started calling for him to strike back.

He pulled himself from the deck and turned to throw another punch at me. I pulled up my water shield and guarded from his attack. I used my water whip to pull his legs out from under him, earning another chorus of cheers.

He kicked at me and I flipped out of the way, then threw my shield at him like I was Captain America. The shield bounced off his gut and then back to my arm. I used my Flying Double Kick to knock him out of the ring.

"YEEEEEEAAAAAAAH!" "THAT'S OUR AOI!" "YOU GO AOI!" "WOOOO-HOOO!" The guys that bet on me cheered.

"I'm next, I'm next!" Another guy called.

"Looks like I got caught in this match." I thought. We went through various matches before Marco was a party shitter and broke up the fights. Though I was undefeated.

"That's enough of your little roster match." Marco said.

"Aaaaawww." The guys said.

"Every party needs a pooper that's why we invited you. Paaarty pooper." I sang softly, gaining a snicker out of a few of the guys and a nasty look from Marco.

Everyone got pretty board pretty fast after that.

"Hey, Aoi. Will you sing for us?" Ace asked me.

"Yeah, Aoi-chan! Sing for us! Please?" Haruta said. I was met with a chorus of "please? Please sing? Please, Aoi?" from all the guys. I laughed.

"Alright. But only one song." I said. Everyone nodded. I drew a deep breath and turned to Ace, planning on singing a love song.

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