The Arrival of Captain Kaizo

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A vertical spaceship shaped like a needle was watching Earth from outer space, unnoticed by anyone, it was a weird thing they couldn't hear the battle that was raging below. So close, yet so far.

"Lahap. Laser guns, now," said a cool voice, but nevertheless had the tone of command.

Six shooters opened from below the ship's four panel-like wings and shot at randomly at all of Earth's continents, but for some reason they all seemed to hit alien soldiers only. 

The needle-tip like bottom opened up and a red beam of light shot at land. Every living creature dispersed from the spot where it shot, but instead of it being another laser shooter, it was teleportation beam. A second later, Captain Kaizo stood there, looking menacing than everyone around him with his dark purple hair and piercing red eyes. 

He looked around, a few terrified monsters were staring back at him, eyes flickering through every part of his body they could see. Next moment, Lahap joined in. Blood drained from every monster's face, but the Earthlings looked all lost. Some monsters dropped their weapons with a clash and raised their clawed hands to surrender, transforming back into the greenish skin, Kubulus alien soldiers in the process.

"What I expected. Is this a party I am crashing?.." Captain Kaizo said, his eyes flashing threateningly.

"What are you at? Why have you all stopped fighting?" someone rasped amongst the people.

What resembled a lion's head and an eagle's body pushed its way through the people who were rooted to their ground. But when he spotted Captain Kaizo, with his hand on his sword's hilt, his face drained of blood too and it spluttered, "W-w-what makes yo-you come here, C-Captain Kaizo?"

"Where is the Super Six?" 

"Super Six?"

"Where are they?" Kaizo repeated more forcingly.

The alien General gulped again, his giant chest heaving. "I-I haven't heard of them...not unless you mean the superhero kids-"

Captain Kaizo narrowed his eyes to silts at the mention of those words.

"They are all separated to different lands," he said shakily. "A man and a boy were at Quakeland, two girls were at Cycloneland and another two boys who were about the same age were at Thornis, that's all I know!" 

Captain Kaizo glared at him for a while, his mind racing. "Which of the three boys wore glasses?" still as coldly as before.

The General hesitated for a fraction of second. "He was on Thornis."

" last question before I go, where am I now?"

"On Ear-" an alien soldier said from behind the General, but had his mouth closed by him before he could say more. 

"You're on Thunderis, sir," an Earthling closest to Captain Kaizo replied.

"Thank you, Earthling. Me and Lahap will be on our way to Thornis now, then. You may tell your colleague to prepare my grand entrance for me."

He turned his back against the General and the teleportation beam sucked them back up their spaceship, which had lowered itself to cloud-level. Lahap sat in front of a control panel with Captain Kaizo behind him.

"Should we give them a memorable gift?" he smirked.

Lahap cackled. "Of course, Captain!"

Silence followed on Thunderis, everyone staring at the ship, anticipating what will happen. Tension filled the air, making it as solid as ever.

What they expected seemed to happen at once. Captain Kaizo's ship's tip had opened again and a white, mechanical, three-fingered arm carrying what looked like a blimp sprouted out from it.

"What...what is that?"

The three-fingered machine let drop the blimp and it fell like a boulder. It was only then everyone realised it was a...

"BOMB!" someone screehed so loudly it seemed to echo throughout the place.

Panicking and screaming, human and alien soldiers both ran like headless chickens into each other. But too late. Before anyone could get themselves away, the bomb had hit land and exploded what smelled like a fart-like substance.

"Ouch! My skin burns!" aliens soldiers from everywhere yelled as reddish rash and yellowish pus appeared on every part of their skin that's opened to air.

"What's wrong with them? Are we suppose to help?" a human soldier asked his partner. His partner merely shrugged as the ship above them flew away noisily.

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