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This was really long so I didn't feel like reading it over lol feel free to point out mistakes.

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And do you guys even like reading this anymore becauseeeee.....

✨ Luke ✨

"Candy will you please just come?" I've practically been begging to get candy out of the house, but she's not budging.

"Why? Baileys there, isn't that sufficient enough for you?"

"Okay that's it." I throw my hands up, and look her dead in the eyes. "You have a problem with my relationship with her, I understand why, but I have practically destroyed it for you Candy." I explain through gritted teeth. "I'm not doing this anymore, if you can't get over your insecurities and accept the fact that I want to be with you...then leave."

"Please" she scoffs looking down at her nails. "Insecure? That's cute Luke, if anything I feel better about myself next to her"

"What the hell has gotten into you? Why have you started acting like this?"

"As if you don't know why, Luke! This engagement is fucking killing me! We never should've came here! I can't stand Bailey, she can't stand me, you're friends can't stand me, and now you and I can hardly bare with each other!"

"So that makes you feel like you have to throw a bitch fit, and start insulting people?" I scream walking closer to her, she backs up looking frightened, and my eyes soften.

"I'm sorry, but until you can get over this....I'm done."

"So what? You're calling off the wedding? You're just dropping me?" I turn away from her, going to walk out the door. My hand touches the doorknob, and she continues. "You bastard" she spits, her words laced with pure anger. "I bet you'd stay for her" I turn the knob.

"Maybe you're right" I mumble to myself only so I can hear, and walk out of the room slamming the door shut behind me. I adjust my shirt, and sigh glancing up to see Ashton in front of me.

"I-I was just going to let you know that we're leaving in a few." He stutters nervously, knowing I'm aware that he heard the whole argument.

"Thanks Ash" I nod walking past him, and into the living room. I see all of the guys sitting down on the couch, but of course not Bailey. "I'm guessing we're waiting on Bailey?" I chuckle taking a seat next to Zayn.

"As always" Louis sighs. "I thought I took forever to get ready"

"Yeah well that's my girl" I laugh, not even a split second latter realizing what I said. "Like...my best friend, you know?"

"Yeah Luke" Zayn snorts patting my back. "We know"

"Guys sorry I'm finally ready!" I hear Bailey yell, watching her small figure peer from the hallway. "I swear to you doing this alone is hell, could one of you tie the back of my dress for me?"

"I'll get it love" Zayn volunteers walking towards her. Everyone else begins standing getting ready to go, but I can't take my eyes off of her. I remember when she bought that dress, it was my favorite out of the bunch, she just looks stunning.

Zayn catches my attention when I notice his hands resting on her hips. My eyes flicker up to see him whispering something in Baileys ear. Her once joyful expression grows uncomfortable, almost confused.

My natural reaction is jealousy, no matter what state her and I are in, I always feel it. I can't help but grow protective...possessive even. Regardless of where I end up in life this girl will always be mine. Whether I move on and get married or not, I can't forget what we had.

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