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This is the person I picked to be Kayleigh who is Aggressiively ^^^^

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Because Girls talk Boys tbh

💕 Bailey 💕

I can't believe I'm on an actual tour bus, going on an actual tour, to support my favorite people in the world. This is absolute bliss.

I look around at the very large space, feeling along the red leather seats, it's so nice in here. I look over at everyone who's being unusually quiet, and wonder if I should be the one to say something. From the looks of it pretty much everyone has in their headphones, or have decided to take a nap, but oddly enough I have no clue where Calum has gone. I turn my attention to Ashton to see he's writing in a notebook. He furrows his eyebrows together, and looks down at the page intensely focusing.

"Whatcha writing?" I ask out of curiosity moving closer to him.

"Hold on" he tells me, writing something down. He begins tapping his fingers onto the side of the notebook nodding his head, then starts humming a tune. "Sorry" he grins stopping "I've been trying to write some songs for the tour"

"I didn't know you wrote" I smile happily surprised.

His cheeks begin turning a light shade of red, and I notice him holding back a smile. "Yeah I do a little. I sing too, but it doesn't mean too much to management" he mumbles the last part.

"Well, could I hear a little something?"

"Maybe later"

"Aw come on Ash" I urge on, playfully nudging him.

"Later I promise, I don't like singing in front of the boys" he whispers.

"What how come? They're your best friends"

"Yeah but" he sighs running a hand through his curls. "They're the singers, they're the performers, I'm just the drummer. I'll never be as good, you know?"

"Hey don't doubt yourself like that Ash" I soothe rubbing his back. "I'm sure you're amazing, you basically are at everything anyways"

"Hmm like what?"

"Like making people smile, and you're smart, you can draw, you're an amazing drummer, especially for being so young" I smile seeing his lips form into a smirk. "And hey, I'd say you're a hell of a kisser too"

He turns his head facing me, raising his eyebrows "Oh really?"

"Mhmm" I nod, now being the one with a smirk

"Well let's see if I can become any better" he leans closer to me, gently placing his large hand on my cheek. I begin to lean in as well, closing my eyes, and just when our lips are centimeters apart I feel myself being pulled back by my ponytail.

"Nope!" Calum yells walking past us.

"Ow what the hell Cal!?" I snap placing my hand on my scalp. "Where have you even been?"

He shrugs his shoulders leaning against the wall. "Looking around, this is a pretty big bus"

"So you just look around for nearly half an hour then decide to come back and yank me by my hair?"

"You know I don't like seeing you kiss boys" he sighs rolling his eyes. "Don't be so dramatic"

"Well remind me not to invite you to my wedding then" I mumble leaning back, crossing my arms. "Anyways, So this is our bus right?"

"Yeah, but Kayleigh said there's a small problem. One of the bunks broke, and literally detached from the wall. They need someone to stay in the 1D tour bus"

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