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We all stood in silence as Asia's body was buried.

I have failed.

No reply.

I felt really bad. Sure, I'd seen death before, but this was different. I had cared for her, tried to save her, but I had failed.

A beautiful flower bloomed from where she was buried; a peony.

After the ceremony I took my bow and walked through the forest, all alone. I sat down on a rock, lost in thought.

Suddenly there was a rope around my neck, dragging me backwards. I tried to punch at whoever was strangling me, but my attempts were useless.



My image clouded.

Somewhere in the distance a dog growled and yelped.


Someone was whistling.

A most annoying tone, I must say.

I opened my eyes to a grass and dirt track. It was swinging back and forth.

No. I was.

Or was I? My head hurt, my vision swam unpleasantly and my neck ached. And my bladder felt uncomfortably pressured.

Horse. I smelled horse. As a matter of fact I seemed to be bound to one.

How strange.

I tried to move, but I was securely fastened.

The horse bucked, bringing me back into unconsciousness.


The whistle again.

I lay still this time, on my back, with hands and feet bound.


I tried to sit up, unsuccessfully.

"Here, I'll help ya."

It was him.


He helped me sit upright and offered me some bread. I turned my head away.

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