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"That is too many questions in one. Strictly speaking it is one question, but it has multiple answers that lead in different directions. Be precise." The look on her face said, annoying little smartypants.

"Why am I here?"

"To follow the Rose, and become our leader after her."


"Only one question."

I walked away in disbelief. No way.

I was already supposed to rule one kingdom, how was I ever supposed to rule two? And why would they choose me? But, this, in combination with Laura's words, did make sense. Somewhere, deep inside, I wanted it all to be true. I'd heard so many stories that held someone special, someone that was the hero and fought evil. For years I had dreamed that one day, I would have a real adventure, a journey over lands and with danger. Then one day the realisation had come that it would never happen. Crown princesses didn't just run off to save the world. They had duties and hard decisions, and where bound to them for life.

But now I was given the opportunity to be free. Well, a leader was never free, but still this seemed so much... freer.

Jas didn't conceal her wings anymore. They where feathered with cream plumage, the longest feathers outstretching my arm.

Please take me to the butterflies.

With two flaps we were up. Ever so silent, like an owl.

She landed near the field, on a big rock that looked out over it. I lay down in the sun, thinking about the child. Her voice hadn't been a child's, but a woman's. And she didn't seem to like me. And then there was the black-haired one. Something about her was wrong. Her smiles reached her eyes, her words where melodic and a certain air hung around her, but there was fog. Something chilly and damp.

Wait a minute.

Last night we'd flown off to the east, but come back from the west. I tried to think of us turning, slowly bending around. The only memory there was was of flying straight on, from tree to throne. And then there was the pool. Going down and coming up. Going east to return from the west.

Is it the same with north and south?

Yes. The Realm has no boundaries. The one question rule didn't seem to count.

It doesn't. I have to tell you truly. But with boundaries.

"Have to? Did you swear some oath?"

No, I am bound by birth.

Voices drifted up from below.

"...not so special...isn't fit for the task...be much better..."

I crept towards the edge to listen.

"...heard so much about her, but she's a bit of a disappointment. I mean, she hardly believes it herself. What is she, was it the cornflower? Yeah, sure only a few in a field of corn, but still no remarkable flower. A waterlily is much more suitable. Plus the dolphin. Why did Anurna have to be born in the wrong realm? I mean,–"

"Give her a chance."

I sucked in my breath. Only one voice sounded like that.

He was speaking to some girl, her voice high and soft as silk. She didn't seem to like me. Well, I was the one with all the cornflowers. And he was defending me.

It made me smile.

"Don't suppose I have a choice. But seriously, couldn't it be someone else? She knows nothing about us. Toddlers know more. And they at least grow up at a normal rate."

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